

It appears that blogger is working for me again.

I finally got a decent night of sleep. The last time I looked at the clock it was a little after 10 and I do not remember having to get up for the bathroom or waking up and having to adjust my position. It was certainly nice to wake up and not be in a bunch of pain. That was short lived though.

By the time my son was ready to go to school my back and left foot felt like they had fallen asleep and the left calf was spasming pretty badly. The calf was bad enough that I could actually see some of the spasms, which I have to admit was pretty cool. The areas affected by the arachnoiditis seem to be advancing as I thought the other day. Where it used to be only the arch of my foot and part of my leg that had pain it is now pretty much the whole leg and foot. I do plan on mentioning it to the doctor when I go in for the refills next week, hopefully he will be able to offer me some kind of anti-seizure meds to alleviate some of the new symptoms.

As I have said in other posts I have been on anti-seizure meds before (Neurontin) but it has been linked to depression and suicidal tendencies. When I read that I stopped taking it and have not tried anything since. I have looked in to some of the other ones out there and will see what the doc thinks of them. I found
this article from CNN that can sum up much better then I what some of the more widely used meds are.


birdwoman said...

Not that I'm a believer or anything, but have you considered Eastern medicine? I work with a Chinese man, and he (of course) swears by some of the alternative medicines, herbs, and practices that they follow.

If western medicine isn't giving you what you need, maybe another alternative might?

Just a suggestion.


opforsoldier said...

My sister (who is a Buddhist) has given me some different things to try and while I appreciate that for some people they do work they had little effect for me. I have thought about acupuncture but the only places in my area that have permits charge more then I can afford right now and my insurance does not cover it. I am however going thinking about getting a good massage as someone I know with arach. has it done and said they had good results. Since it is therapeutic and not "cosmetic" for me my insurance carrier will cover some of the cost if I use their approved people. There is one by my parents house (about 1/2 hour south) so I thought I would make an appointment and see what they can do. What's the worst that happens? I fall asleep and wake up feeling relaxed...

I am curious though as to what you might suggest to compare it to my sisters list she gave me.