
Curiosity killed the cat...

Or so they say. I am wondering though how many of my readers arrived here through a site like Blogexplosion or Blogclicker or any of the other myriad of traffic sites that are out there. How many of you belong to more then one or even two? When I review my server logs at the end of the day I see a lot of hits coming from other traffic sites but when I have gone to check them out they seem to be oriented more towards multi-level marketing schemes or they have no blogs and only crappy ads. I am sure they drive traffic to your sites but is it really traffic or are they automatic traffic sites? You know, the ones where you really did not get a hit you get a site that has an automatic generator that "hits" your site for an impression but no one actually sees your blog. Kind of cheesy if you ask me which is why I am starting to block traffic coming from those sites like fastfreeway, trafportal, trafficpod etc...

I just don't see what the point in joining some of those sites, unless you actually believe you can make $200K a month. It reminds me of some of the ebay! scams like
auctionroad that promised you would make big money on ebay! but in reality they sucked. Now, you could make some money but it was next to impossible to make the money they promised.

So anyone have some comments on blog traffic sites?


Technicolour Nightmare said...

I think blog explosion is great because despite all the innundation of political blogs (what is with that?) you get some great blogs. Like this!

Frally said...

Blogexplosion and Blogclicker have been great for increasimg my readership. The real trick to it working is commenting on as many blogs as possible as people are bound to go and check out your blog in return. ;)

Wilson said...

I love BlogExplosion. Seems to have brought new people to my blog every now and then, and that's always fun. Especially when they comment. haha Haven't really tried any others...

Noodles said...

I am addicted to BC and BE. I use them just as much to find a good read as to boost my hits, if not more. Sometimes it takes a bit of searching but I love finding a new blog to spend hours reading through!