
New toys...

A new toy I bought myself with my giftcards from Christmas was a set of 900Mhz wireless speakers with headphones. They are perfect when my son is napping and I am still watching my show. While he can sleep with the normal noise of the house I like to keep it a bit quieter so he can rest easily. They are also handy for when the oldest has all his friends in the house and I am trying to watch something.


They have RCA jacks to hook in to the amp on the stereo as well as an adapter to hook in to 3.5mm earphone jacks if you want to hook in to something like an MP3 player. They are also good for the car so my son can watch his DVD player without disturbing the rest of us or competing with the radio. We do a lot of roadtrips to Colorado and he has a portable player for the car to keep him (or is it us???) from going nuts.

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