
Another site for driving traffic to your blog

I found yet another website that is like Blogclicker or Blogexplosion, it is called Wolf Surfer and seems to be decent. It is free and if you like you can upgrade for $4.95 on up to $14.95. The upgraded packages allow more credits and better click ratios as well you can ern money from referrals on the paid packages. Even without the upgrade you get 200 credits to join with the free package and you can buy credits from other users who are auctioning theirs off, not a bad way to pick up 20K credits cheaply.

Anyway, check it out and give it a whirl.


Edgar Cantero said...

Come via BC. What is arachnoiditis?

opforsoldier said...

It is an inflammation of the arachnoid membrane (one of the 3 that makes up the meninges) that surrounds the spinal cord. The inflammation causes scar tissue to develop and as the scar tissue grows it slowly adheres to the nerves in the spinal column. When this happens the blood and oxygen supply to the nerves is cut off and they slowly die. As they die off they cause numbness, a burning sensation and a butt load of pain. Depending on what level of the spine the arachnoiditis is growing at will determine what parts of the body are affected. Mine is in the lumbar spine which leave me with minimal feeling from the waist down.

That is it in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...


Very nice blog :)