
Not much, you?

A decent nights sleep, finally! I must have been out by 10pm and did not get up until about 7am.

My back is burning a bit this morning, but it is nothing out of the ordinary. What is bothering me most lately is my left leg and foot. The numbness seems to be ever increasing in intensity and in area. Where it used to be pretty much only the arch of my foot that really hurt it is now the whole foot and leg. When it is going full force my foot and calf feel as if they are on fire, my knee just throbs and if I try to walk it feels like my hip feels like it is grinding in the socket. Without the pain meds I would think this would be unbearable.

I have decided to take it easy today so I am going to relax and watch VH1 Classics this morning while I do some research for the blog and then I am going to work on my fathers company website. Nothing fancy but anything has to be better then what he has currently going. I think the last time they updated their web presence was pre-flash days...LOL!!!

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