
This is killing me....

Not the pain from the back but rather this horrible show called American Idol. I made my son a deal that he could watch this IF he did all his chores, homework etc... without the constant reminders. I figured I was good to hook, after all he is 11 and does not do much of anything without the constant reminders.

I'll be damned the kid was able to meet the standards and now I am stuck watching this HORRIBLE show. I am curious about who showed some of these people how to dress or who was it that encouraged them go on the show. I can see someone doing this as a dare, but all of them???

Anyway, I can torture them on Friday when the new season of the Apprentice starts. :rollseyes:

The Kadian made me very tired today and I fell asleep in the middle of a small project. I was working on the database doing some maintenance and the next thing I know it is 2 hours later. Ooops! Thankfully it did not require much interaction on my behalf.

My wife said she noticed that I have been dragging my butt around the house since I started the Kadian but I am not going to say that is what it is just yet as we upped the dosage of Elavil at the same time. I figure I will give it until the end of the month when I see the doctor again and bring it up then. Of course I can also change the time that I take both the meds and take them both before bed instead of one at bedtime and the other (Kadian) in the morning.

I did notice that my leg was hurting today and that my foot is numb again. This time the numbness though was more on the bottom of the foot then anywhere else. Based on what I have been reading this could mean that the arachnoiditis is advancing and as that happens I will experience numbness/burning/pain in new areas.

Since I was expecting this to happen I have been reading more on what to expect. What I learned is that for each person the rate of advance is totally different. While some people will advance slowly, others more rapidly and then there is the group that does not advance at all. I don't think I am in the last group and based on how quickly I seemed to develop after my myleogram I am guessing that I will probably advance a little faster then most. One thing is always for sure though and that is there is no going backwards.

1 comment:

Couch said...

i actually saw that godawful show for the first time the other day. never again will i subject myself to that.