
Its all about me again...

Well I made the appointment with my doc for next Monday so we can talk about the switching of my meds as well as rehash the disabled placard for at least the winter. Days like they are calling for tomorrow are exactly what I am concerned about. They are calling for freezing rain with ice (not a type!) of up to 3" and then turning to snow with accumulation of anywhere of up to 6" depending on the front and how it moves through.

Ironically we had a similar storm almost 3 years ago to the day where we received 6 inches of ice and most of the metro was without power for days and close to 100K without it for weeks. It did so much damage that some people were not able to get any power or gas back for several months due to the heavy damage.

With the cold weather comes the arthritis pain. When that kicks in it affects the rest of the pain sensors in my body and acts as an amplifier for the arachnoiditis. Even with the oxycontin I can still get up to a good 6 but I also suspect I may be dealing with tolerance to the oxy. While my duration on it has been less then 6 weeks I am noticing that it is not lasting as long as when I first started it so I am relying on darvocet for breakthrough more often. It also seems to wear off faster and I am left without much relief at about the 8-9 hour mark until I can take it again. I have talked to some doctor friends as well as researched online that with the does I am on I can take it every 8 hours but that leads to another problem.

Since the oxy is dispensed for 1 pill every 12 hours with 60 in each fill that means I have 30 days worth. My insurance company will allow me to refill 3 days early with oxy. If I take it every 8 hours that leaves me 7 days short and my doctor would want to know why. So, I made the appointment to discuss what he mentioned last week about changing my pain meds or upping the dose.

In the meantime I am just going to relax and work on some projects I have planned. I need to get the boys a toybox made so they have a place to keep things in the rec room without making it look like a disaster area. Sometimes it gets so bad I really think we might qualify for federal disaster relief. Have you seen what a 2 & 11 year old can do to a room in 20 minutes?

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