
Well it is a little better...

Well the Kadian seems to be working better then the last few days. It is still not where I would like it to be but it was not like yesterday by any means. I am hoping it will continue to improve over the next few days to the point that my doctor and I discussed. If not I would certainly think bumping the dose up to the next level would do the trick. Apparently you should be taking 1.5 times the mg's of Kadian as you were Oxy Contin. If that is the case then I am short in my dosage. I was on 20mg's of Oxy twice a day and now I am on 30mg's of Kadian once, I left a call for my doctor to see if this was an oversight or was this just a starting dose that we can adjust as needed. However since it is working better I am going to hold off on going in for an office visit for now.

This evening I did get out of the house for awhile. Even though we still have an inch or so of ice on the walks and it is bitterly cold we braved the conditions and took the oldest to Toy's R Us to spend his Christmas gift cards and then we went dinner. We also were able to hit my favorite grocery store,
Whole Foods, to grab some aborio rice and a few other items that my local grocer does not carry. It was nice relaxing evening and we were able to get back home fairly early.

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