
Much better

Feeling much better with just the Kadian today. I guess I was a little to quick on this so I will have to call the ARNP and let her know. So far I have not had to take anything else and I have not been above a 3 all day. I have even been able to grab a nap without waking up every 20 minutes to switch positions.

So far the only side effect seems to be the scratching that my wife said she noticed. One of the
side effects of morphine is itching but since I am on a time released dose it is not as bad as a straight dose. A little bit of benadryl for when it is though will help stop the itching. Not at all like when I had surgery and they had me taking it through the IV drip. I think I scratched my leg so raw they had to put a bandage on it so I would stop.

I wanted to hit Home Depot today and buy some stuff to make some shelves for the rec room, but it is cold outside, so cold that it takes your breath away instantly. Right now we are at 12F and that is the high for the day, in fact it is the expected high for the rest of the weekend. I love the cold but the bitter cold like we have this week just sucks.


Saija said...

so GLAD to hear that ...
how about any queasiness? leo has to take meds for that lovely side effect ...

opforsoldier said...

So far just the itching but the benadryl seems to be working for that. The doc didi mention the chance of becoming queasy and to call him if I did. The relpax I have for migraines is good for that as well so if I am in a jam I have something on hand already!!!