
It's snowing!

We got about 3 inches or so over night and it was coming down in huge chunks rather then flakes. According to the news it came down in about an hour or so and then moved on which is fine with me. I like snow, just not 12 inches at a time like the rest of the country has been getting.

The arachnoiditis has to be advancing. That would be the only thing that would explain all the new pain and numbness that I have been having, especially in the right leg. So far it has not spread down the right leg like has on the left but right at the top of my leg, almost to my butt it is burning. It feels almost like when you pull a muscle and can't sit down without the pain. I am heading in to the doctors office in a bit to pick up my prescriptions so I will see if I can grab my doc for a second and ask about this.

Not much planned for today other then trying to finish up some things I could not finish this week. We almost have the database fixed, all I need to do is synch with the remote office and transfer the data from that computer to this one. Hopefully that should fix the issue, which was a corrupted file thanks to Norton Anti-Virus.

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