
Oh boy...

Well I had a nice long post going and right as I was getting to the end of it m 2 year old decided it would be fun to run headlong in to me while I was taking a sip of my tea. Since I had the laptop in my lap and I did not want to get any hot tea on either my son or the computer, I took the brunt of the steaming hot cup. The computer caught some as well but I was able to pull the plug and battery out quick enough that I do not think any damage was done.

My left leg is throbbing and my foot is burning like it was the other day and it is still feels different then it has in the past which makes me wonder if it is progressing. I made my appointment for the doctor at the beginning of next month to get my refills so I will bring it up then. Since there is not much he is going to be able to do if it is advancing I am in no hurry to tell him, after all that might lead him to order another MRI, and that is not something I look forward to. If you have ever been in an MRI machine you understand why. It is not claustrophobia, it is the freaking noise they make for the 45 minutes or so while you are in the machine.

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