
It's always fun until someone gets hurt...

Ok, I confess she still says it from time to time. Even though my brother and I are in to our 30's when we are all together we tend to get the kids going (we both have a 2 year old) and it is funny to watch them rough house with each other. Nothing mean, just basic wrestling and horseplay.

This evening my oldest and I were screwing around a bit and out of the blue a HUGE flare up brought me to me knees. It started right in the small of my back and shot down my leg, which I have not experienced like that before. Imagine a charlie horse that covers half your body and you have some idea of what this feels like. The best you can do is relax and hope it goes away. If you have any muscle relaxers or something for the breakthrough pain and you are within the window of being able to take them, well then you do that and grab a cup of tea and hit the recliner.

I noticed the other day that I had pain in new places which might mean that the arachnoiditis is advancing but I have also been having more flares then I have had in the past. In fact before about 3-4 weeks ago it was maybe once every month or so that I had one and now it is about once a week it seems. They do not last as long as they used to but they still suck.

I will mention this to the doctor when I see him but as I already know there is not much we will be able to do that we are not already trying. The Kadian is not supposed to stop the flair ups and it does not work against the pain so upping the dose there is not going to work and I know my doc and I see eye to eye on adding something like hydrocodone as it has acetaminophen. Oxycodone is going to be to strong for this so hopefully he has something in his bag of tricks that I don't know about.


Frally said...

First off, thanks for visiting my blog.

And hey, it's probably not much consolation seeing you've obviously been dealing with pain for some time, but I really hope your doctor can sort something out for you. All the best.

opforsoldier said...

Thanks. My doctor is actually great when it comes to caring for the pain. When he realized that I was not joking about the pain we jumped right in to a pain management routine.