
New links added

I added Blogexplosion and Blogsnob to drive a little more traffic this way. I never expected this to be a blog that hits the front page of any papers like Daily Kos, CBFTW, (although I must note that his blog has ceased any new posts since late last year due to security issues as he is a soldier stationed in Baghdad) or Blogs For Bush I did at least expect to grow the site to a few hundred a day and I am getting there.

By clicking on the links in the right side bar like this one
you can add them to your blog and in return you help drive traffic to your site.

In doing this I have discovered some new blogs but one in particular is very interesting.

She is a blogger who runs the gamut of topics and has some interesting readings and links on her blog titled Hot Abercrombie Chick. If you have some spare time check out her blog.

edit: funny thing about using blogger for this task is that whenever you run spellcheck "blog" is not a word it recognizes. LOL!!! That's ok, with my new space and the MySQL, PHP & Perl I will be installing movable type and giving it a whirl.

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