
Long weekends and flair ups...

Well the long weekend was nice but we had to deal with these people again. I figured I would have some issues but their son and my son are good friends, as well he is a good kid and always welcome in our home. My son spent Friday night with them and then he stayed Saturday & Sunday with us. Of course once again we had the same problems as last time with no phone calls and showing up 5 hours late. Oh well, it really makes you wonder WTF is wrong with some people.

The boys (both 11) pretty much played upstairs with the playstation and Gameboy's and the only time I saw them was when they were looking for something to eat. Of course we loaded up on Capri Suns and WoW! Doritos and let them have at it.

The back has been pretty good for the weekend with one small flair up yesterday. I know the doc said with Kadian I should not have breakthrough, but I am not sure if that meant flair ups as they are something different and are usually triggered by an event. The one I had came about 20 minutes after sorting and folding all the laundry and that involved some bending/squatting, I am pretty sure that was the cause but I was able to control it fairly quickly though by taking some
robaxin and using the heating pad.

I did order myself a copy of the
Physicians Desk Reference so I can double check my prescriptions. My doctor is excellent about asking what I might be taking in addition to his prescriptions (OTC stuff) but my pharmacist is bad about checking for drug interactions. I ordered the cheap one as it will do the job but they have copies that sell for much more then that.

1 comment:

Saija said...

we had weather last night - so leo slept all evening, could hardly get him to wake up to watch "corner gas" (a canadian sitcom - quite good) ... that's the way his body seems to react to the pain it knows is coming with certain events or weather ...

we did his 4 week set of pills yesterday ... we have 4 little scouped containers ... we line them up, and fill them up ... i've been doing that lately because the sitting, bending is tough for him...

the little things we take for granted when our bodies are healthy - becomes major for chronic pain sufferers ...

SO HAPPY for you that the kadian seems to be making a difference ... something i will have to ask our pharmacist and doctor about next visit!