
2:30 in the morning...

Well it is about 2:30 in the morning and I am wide awake. I feel asleep for a bit but I woke up with my left leg just throbbing. I tried to get back to sleep but it seems the more I tried to sleep the more it hurt. I decided to put in a movie and see if that would help but after watching Braveheart (yes, the whole movie) and still being awake I came downstairs in hopes that a cup of tea and some pain meds and I would be back off to la-la land.


Anonymous said...

Greetings Fellow Pain Sufferer!

I have been reading your blogs, and I can't tell you how much it is helping me to cope with my "bad days". In addition, thank you for all the valuable information that you have researched and posted. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone because you are willing to share your discoveries, feelings and despair.

Like you, I have been suffering with chronic pain for many years and since November of 2004 I have been off work. My "claim to fame" is flying off the back of a FZR 1000 Yamaha motorcycle; skidding and tumbling the length of two (Canadian) football fields,and living to tell the story. Other factors previous to the accident also contributed to my disablity.
I'm thinking of writing a blog too. What do you think?

opforsoldier said...

Thank you! My goal when I started this blog was simple, to provide a place where people could find information on chronic pain and sipanl cord injuries as well a placr for me to have some form of outlet.

I would say yes to starting a blog. The blogging community has been a great place to find a few new friends as well as tons of info on a myriad of subjects.