
Extreme Home Makeover...

If you have not watched this show I must say as far as reality shows go, this is the only one I care to watch. They do not give home makeovers to those with the means to do it for themselves or those who are so vain they only care about themselves. No, this show is much deeper then that and they seriously only help people who have a need. While the show has run in to some problems over how the money they spend should be recorded with the IRS, in the end people whose lives they touch are changed forever. This is not Monster House, not at all.

Tonight they are working on a home that was lost to a fire and the insurance money was not enough to rebuild. They will change these peoples lives with this project and that is just an awesome thing to do. The people in the local communities that show up to donate their resources as well as their own time to work on these projects is simply amazing. It restores your faith in our fellow man that someone out there does care about others.

I have seen them rebuild the home of seven orphans and the pay off the mortgage so they could stay together. They have rebuilt the house and farm of a family in California who lost their husband/dad in an accident, they helped a girl with a sun sensitive disease and the list goes on and on. It is worth checking out IMHO.


Anonymous said...

hi there..came in via BE. I love watching Home makeover too..hey, they had an episode today! I remember feeling for the family in hawaii ( i think ) where the dad lived with 7 grown up children cos their mom had passed away and they dedicated a wall to her and memories.


Anonymous said...

It's the only "reality" show that I will watch. The shows are so touching and the families so deserving. It's nice to find something worthwhile to watch on network TV these days!


Andrea Knapp said...

I like this show (my 12 year old daughter makes me watch it every Sunday night). I just can't stand the crying from the decorators/builders etc., EVERY week. SOmetimes it is just too pretentious. It is still a good show though....

Anonymous said...

Love this show! I saw this episode and was blown away at what these people put together. The house was amazing! I love the way they incorporate the personalities of the children into their rooms and take good care of the parents providing them with much needed sanctuaries. The show won a People's Choice Award last night.

BTW, found you through BE.


Bran said...

Yea, this show is great. Sometimes Ty gets on my nerves , though. I also liked the similar show Renovate My Family with Dr. Phil's son as the host. They take it one big step further than the house. Renovate My Family rebuilds the house like Extreme Home, but they also spend time helping the family overcome problems. But, I think it gets a little sappy sometimes. lata, Bran @ bhimself.blogspot.com

LMO said...

It does, in fact, restore a little faith in mankind. Much better than other make-over shows where $20,000 is spent on someone's car. Pimp my ride? Give me a break! It really makes me sick to my stomach to see that someone decided it was the best thing to do with all that money.