
72 percent!

That is an amazing number, it is the number of registered voters in Iraq who showed up to vote, they voted despite the threats of violence that really did not happen. That number shows that the Iraqi people are no longer willing to live in fear of the isurgents. They have waited for 30 years to have a choice other then yes or no, and the insurgents were not going to stop them.

The insurgents did carry out several attacks, but they were far fewer then even I expected. Perhaps proof that they are unable to pull off the attacks without the support of the local population, the very people who have grown tired of the insurgents. They have grown tired of not just the insurgents but the fact that it is foreign insurgents that are trying to keep them from the polling stations with threats of violence. I am glad that the Iraqi people have stood up for themselves and showed the world they will no longer be intimidated by gangs of thugs.

Now it is just waiting for the votes to be counted, the elected parties to take their positions and Iraq to start ruling itself. This is a process that will not happen overnight and we need to be patient and continue to support the troops. Hopefully though this is a successful election and we will have our men and women home by next Christmas.

1 comment:

Carl Kilo said...

hello my friend,
thank you for your comments. a great post from you also.
My best friend has the same affliction as you and is facing surgery, he is 38. I have read the lefts comments, absurd comments huh. take care! and God bless.