
It's a present Dave, from me to me!

Well it came in the mail today, my Medic Alert bracelet arrived and thankfully is the right size. While I measured my wrist I feared that my bumbling self botched it up and would wind up with one that did not fit. Not a big deal except they cost $35 a piece.

I did not list my meds at the suggestion of the service as even though I am on long term meds they can and do change as we develop tolerance. I only listed my injuries and the way it works is the tag has a toll free number and my ID# that they can get all my up to date information from, including next of kin, surgeon, primary care doc and any special care instructions.

Why did I get this? Well we all hear that in an accident you do not move people unless it is unavoidable (pending explosion, unsafe area etc...) or until they have been properly braced to prevent any/new injuries. Already having one puts me that much more at risk. I am also on
medications that may mask head injuries (this is why people with head injuries do not get pain meds until a diagnoses can be done) or other symptoms.

I also did not buy the standard red medical device background, I opted for the blue version. While it looks like the regular tag it is a little less conspicuous. It may sound paranoid having one of these on may save my life but it is also an open invitation to knock me over. <--My wife said it is paranoid delsuions brought on by the meds. I did show her the website where they have "regular" looking bracelets and pendants made in Gold or Silver, but being the redhead I am I would want the Gold. The cheapest gold one is about $500US, which is more then I am willing to spend right now when the $35 one does the trick.

If you have a severe allergy, are on strong meds or have a medical condition I highly reccomend a medic alert tag. In addition to tag you get a card for your wallet and a clear sticker for your car/home window. What I liked best was the ability to update my info quickly by the web as well as the toll free number. I made a change this morning and it was updates instantly.

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