
Would you like some chicken?

I ran down to the local British shop to buy some tea (Earl Grey of course) but before I did I set out some chicken to make dinner. It seems the new dog is a huge fan of raw chicken and of course anything that does not belong to him. My wife and youngest were home and in the living room and I was only gone for about 30 minutes. When I got back the whole plate of chicken was gone and licked clean. Great, so now I have to figure out something else for dinner but more importantly I need to remind my son to let the dog out every 45 minutes or so for the next day. I am glad I own a carpet steam cleaner, I am betting it is going to be needed.

I am a big fan of rescues and understand that with them comes a risk of problems. This particular dog though spent 6 months in rehab and we were told he was a great dog. For the most part this is true, provided you leave NOTHING on the ground. He has destroyed several DVD's, a few CD's, my sons wooden blocks and now the Chicken (which was not on the ground BTW).

I will call the shelter on Monday to discuss this but I am excellent with training dogs (all ours ave been rescues) and this one just does not seem to be responding so far to me. I don't want to get rid of him but at the same time I don't want him destroying everything. I am tempted to buy something from the pet store to spray on a few items that we can then leave out for him. Something that will help us train him to stick to his toys since he has several of them.


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