
Sports - Spamming Phillies Fan Headed To Prison

"Spamming Phillies Fan Headed To Prison
Disgruntled Fanatic Clogged Team Computers
POSTED: 8:22 am EST January 7, 2005
PHILADELPHIA -- A Philadelphia fanatic is heading to federal prison.
It took a jury less than two hours on Thursday to convict Allan Carlson, 41, of sending out thousands of e-mails blasting the management of the Philadelphia Phillies.
He had listed sportswriters and team officials as the senders, so spam that bounced back went to them. As a result, people he named had their computers clogged with thousands of messages.
A federal prosecutor says reporters weren't able to find their real e-mails in all the garbage.
Carlson, who's been living with his parents in New Jersey, could get up to 41 months in federal prison."


41 and living at home wif his mommy and daddy. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I guess we should be glad he does not work for the post office.

While I think 41 months in prison for this is just as stupid as him living at home, I am glad they caught the guy. Now they need to get those other 6 chumps who force me to change email addy's every 6 months. My Yahell! account get so much spam (I have had it for 7 years though) I stopped checking it.

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