
blogger and anti-seizure medications...

Have I mentioned how much I really would love to use MT instead of blogger? Sadly my current host does not allow for MT to be installed so I am going to have to use blogger in the meantime. I am looking for a new host that will allow MT but so far none of them match the price vs. bandwidth that I currently get. I paid $60 for the year with 1GB space and 25GB bandwidth as well as the extras that come with the space like CGI, Perl etc... Since I have a page full of videos that I host for some of my buddies I need the space.

I had a post this morning that I did on the use of
Neurontin in the treatment of spinal cord injuries, but blogger ate it and I forgot to cut and paste it in to Word like I do on large posts. Anyway, for people like myself who suffer from constant numbness in our extremities or for those who have restless leg syndrome the doctors generally will prescribe an anti-seizure medication, provided it is approved for that use.

I was taking neurontin for some time but I found it made me rather irritable and I found myself scolding my son for things I normally would not. Then I found out that there is a
class action lawsuit based on Pfizers actions in regards to the way they marketed the drug. I did not join the suit though as the settlement is not worth the effort and you also sign away any right to file a suit later on should you discover that the medication did more damage then you realized. Hopefully I never have to worry about any of that both from the physical standpoint and the monetary. Every time suit like this goes down, the cost is passed along to you and me.

Of course if blogger keeps eating my freaking posts I will need the anti-seizure meds. Nothing is more frustrating then losing an entire post.

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