
Freaking insurance companies...

The knot in my back is not going away, my foot feels like it is burning and the numbness in my legs is causing that involuntary kick again. I did not sleep well last night and did not get much of a nap in this afternoon. I know when I am tired the pain is worse, but I am looking forward to just plopping my head down on a nice cool pillow and falling asleep.

The burning in my foot is all across the bottom which makes it very difficult for me to walk s I cannot tell when my foot is firmly on the floor. I stopped counting how many times I have almost fallen flat on my face or worse slipped down a few steps. Usually when I miss step like that it sends a shooting pain through my ankle and up my leg into my inner thigh and I have to sit down for awhile.

Sometimes I wonder if the knot in my back is my hardware. I have read some studies that show people with lower body fat percentages have more problems with their hardware. The spot that is always sore is right in the area of the surgery but I can't do anything about until May as we lost our medical coverage for several months when we could no longer afford the medical premiums of close to $1K a month. When we finally got insurance back they have a one year pre-existing clause which sucks but not as bad as some with the two year clauses. They cover the arachnoiditis because I was not diagnosed until after the policy went in to effect but the rest, well I have to wait.


Saija said...

sigh . . . we have so been there and unfortunately are still there - tho' how leo soldiers on always amazes me . . . there is a weather system coming our way again so leo is not feeling so great . . . he wanted me to remind you of the T.E.N.S. machine which helped him ALOT during the times the meds didn't . . . i also use different rubs for his back to help loosen the knots (like Flexall 454 and this MUELLER balm), the rubs we get from sports clinics and sooths some of the worst of it . . .

if we lived in the states - we would live in Arizona or New Mexico - while in AZ leo was helped by the drier climate . . .

wish i could give you more encouragement than the above, but sometimes it's those little things (like a rub) that can see you through the bad spell . . .

opforsoldier said...

I see my doc's on Monday and do intend on discussing this with them. I found one online for a lot less then I expected. If the doc says yes then my insurance will send me one, if not I will be buying one this week on my own to try it out. Whats the worse that happens, I keep it in a closet for when one of my sons is going to need it?