
New space!!!

Well I just upgraded my service again. I got it for free from the provider I am already using 1and1 which is great as I was going to switch to that package on my own. It has doubled my bandwidth from 25 to 50 GB and my space from 1 to 2GB. It also has MySQL ready to go as well as some other features to help me out. I am going to tool around with the database tomorrow and hopefully have something working in the next few days to ad to this site.

I know, this little old blog does not get close to 50GB's in bandwidth but it is not the only domain I own. I host my wife's site as well I own 15 other domain names that I am developing. I decided to nix the site for arachnoiditis as this blog is a better place for all that information. I am going to concentrate on
Opforsoldier.com which is a site dedicated to the OPFOR of the US Army and it is also home to some different videos I have acquired from buddies as well as the web which is here, videos. Right now it is a simple lay out but I am almost done with the new site which will have much more videos then now. That page is the biggest use of bandwidth for me at over a gigabyte a day and it has only been there for about 2 weeks. Somedays it is much higher and at the pace it is going I will exceed my bandwidth in about 2.5 weeks if I did not upgrade.

Anyway, with all the new space I am looking forward to doing some more development as soon as I figure out Flash as well as integrating some of the other features to this blog.

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