
What is a cage?

Some people ask me what exactly is the "cage" they use in fusion of the vertebra. Since it is not a cage like you would think I decided to find some pictures of it so you would have a better idea.


The above is what is inserted to help fuse the vertebra. It is then filled with bone grafts, in my case donor bone, which will then grow and help stabilize the area by fusing the vertebrae together. In my profile x-ray picture you can clearly see my cage, it is the thing that looks like a die.


The above shows how the cage is inserted between the vertebrae. You do not feel the cage so to speak but with the fusion and the other hardware installed (rods/screws) you can tell that you have lost range of motion. When you reach your limits of motion it is almost like you just stop, but there is a slight pain that I can only describe as like stepping of the last stair or the curb incorrectly. Your spine collapses on itself and you feel the shock. Not super painful but it is not something you would want to feel everyday.

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