
Pain and loathing in the midwest...

I called the doctor this morning because this just sucks. Looks like I have to try to squeeze myself in sometime before the weekend though as they had no appointments open. He does have open hours at 8am so I will try to squeeze in there tomorrow morning. That means I need to get there EARLY and be the first at the door. My doctor is a great doc but a lot of his patients are elderly (his office is across from the retirement village) and they will get down right nasty and jump right in front if you aren't paying attention.

I took the Kadian as soon as I got up this morning and 2 hours later no change. I took a second one to see if that would help, and nada. I have resigned myself to the recliner with the laptop, the wireless headphones and plenty of water to relax.

Of course there is nothing on the idiot box so I am checking out blogs and adding a column of books and games that I have enjoyed. I might have to pull some old books out and re-read a few of them myself.


Saija said...

maybe the dose is too low?

opforsoldier said...

I am thinking the same thing and is what I am going to ask the doc about. My thoughts were that if we maybe go to 90 once a day I might be ok and then have something like 5/500 Hydrocodone just in case of breakthrough.

I was finally able to get to the pain after adding the second dose as well as taking the robaxin for the muscle spasms.

I have a conference call in the morning so I won't be able to hit the walk in clinic but I will call and see if they have any cancellations in the afternoon. I am sure that he will just add to the dose, after all starting with the lowest dose dose seem to make the most sense here.