
I must have slept on my shoulder and now it hurts when I move it to much, so I decided to follow my mothers sage advice heard many times in my youth "well then don't move it." She is full of advice like that and she still doles it out on occasion. Of course having me as a child has probably robbed her of 15 years of sanity.

The numbness in my right leg seems to have gone away and even the left leg is feeling pretty good this morning. The only pain seems to be in the lower back and that is more of a stiffness then a burning pain this morning. In fact the only pain that really seems to be bothering me is the shoulder and I am sure s the day goes on that will go away.

All the snow we got the other day is gone but we are under another winter storm warning today. They are calling for heavy snow with visibility of less then .5 miles/.8 Kilometers. For us it is going to be a hit or miss as we are right on the edge of the band of snow. We were going to go to my parents house but they are right in the middle of the snow.

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