
Have you seen my mind?

I am getting tired of waking up feeling like this. I have a knot in the small of my back that makes it uncomfortable to sit down for any real period of time. I did not sleep well again either, I just spent most of the night tossing and turning trying to find a good position, but that was like trying to get my 11 year old to clean his room and keep it that way.

To top it all off my database if fried. No one at tech support seems to know how to fix it and they have led me to believe they really don't know much of anything other they every other Friday is payday. I spent most of last night getting it back up and this morning I am at least able to access it but no email and most of the important user defined fields are gone. It is more frustrating then anything as without the information that is in there I cannot do what I need to do.

Of course to add to it the mail just came and we got the gas bill for last month. Now remember, I keep my house rather cool in the winter with the thermostat set at 68F/20C and it does not seem like the furnace runs non stop. We also took some measures before the cold weather got here to seal up leaks around the doors, windows and electrical outlets. I knew the bill would be a bit higher but the $300+ that it is was not even close to what we thought it would be.

Well I took about a 30 minute break from the last paragraph to get some chores done. Sorting and washing the laundry and then changing the baby for the day needed to be done as well as wiping down all the counters and tables with a clorox wipe. Those have to be one of the best things on the market today. They are all to handy and excellent to carry around if you have kids. We keep a container in the backpack when we go out for things like shopping carts and the table in restaurants. I know, it sounds anal but having been in the food business for years I know how UNCLEAN some things really are.

While I was doing all of that I had a flare up, which is the reason I stopped and came back to the recliner. It is not a bad one but enough that standing up was worse then sitting down. Imagine all the muscles in your back having a spasm at the same time. They all tighten up at one, but they don't let go, and that is what this one feels like today. It will start in the center of the lower back and then it spreads.


Saija said...

hey there!

i tried to post earlier in the day, but blogger comments was in a fickle mood and wouldn't let me ... i have HaloScan now for comments, which seems to be a little friendlier and open to bloggers of all types ...

but that's not why i'm commenting ... Leo was wondering if you have tried biofeedback? he did that about 17 years ago, it just helped him to learn how to breath through the worst of the "fist in the back" episodes ...

and are you on sleeping pills? it is so important when a person has chronic pain to be able to sleep at nights ... you need it to be the person you want to be, rather than the one chronic pain draws out sometimes ...

opforsoldier said...

I take the elavil to help me sleep but we are also switching the Kadian to a night time dose in hopes it will help me sleep.

When I was in the Army I was actually part of an experiment on Bio-feedback. It was interesting to say the least, especially since I was not in the control group (I found out later on).

Saija said...

well sheesh re the "control group/wrong group" thing!

back to the sleep part - Leo also takes valium with his sleeping pills ... it helps relax him ...

hope the larger dose & switchover of the morph helps too!

opforsoldier said...

Valium, mommies little helper! LOL!

When I was first doing pain management for the Spondy back in 2002/2003 I was on the Valium to help me sleep. I actually slept well last night after switching my Kadian dose around a bit and having upped the Elavil to 50mg.

If the sleeping does remain an issue I was thinking about asking my doc for ambien. When I had the migraine that is what they gave me to take at home (not the over the counter variety) and it knocked me out for the rest of the night.