
Sleep deprivation...

Another late night. I had trouble falling asleep and was still up at about 3am when my wife got in from work. By the time I fell asleep it was close to 4 and the baby was up at 8am. I would say that by the time I feel asleep I was a good 6 on the pain chart. I ended up taking something for that and turning out all the lights, like the little hallway floor lights, and just laid there trying to ignore the pain and waiting for the meds to kick in. When I woke up I felt pretty good since I was still within the time limit for the meds to build up in the bloodstream. Nothing like 4 hours of sleep to make the pain go away!!!

I ended up having to run to the grocery store on top of all this to get some yogurt for the boys. This meant I had to hold of on the morning dose of oxy until I got back. Since it is Sunday in the Bible belt the store was fairly empty. Of course that means all 9 people in the store have to wait in line for the one cashier on duty to check you all out. Still, it was a fast in and out and when I got home I made myself a nice cup of Earl Grey tea. I figure since coffee is wreaking havoc on the CNS I should switch to tea. While tea does have some caffeine in it, I do not drink a whole pot by myself (10 cups) before 10am. I have been making it about 3 times a day and I am buying my tea loose from a local British store. They have a great selection of tea as well as a very knowledgeable guy who runs the store (he is an ex-pat Brit.)

The problem trying to sleep was that every time I tried my back would start burning or my leg would start throb and go numb. I ended up sitting in the glider which was not much better but at least I could get online from there. I did some work on my
here as well as some work on another site that is work related. For the arachnoiditis site I am still plugging away at it but between taking care of the boys and other projects that take priority it is going slower then I had hoped.

Today it is dreary, the rain is here and it feels very much like tornado season. Just damp, not pouring like it did yesterday though. We had a deluge that lasted about 45 minutes and flooded the streets. Now all the sidewalks need to be cleared because the water picked up all the fallen leaves from the gutters and left them across the sidewalks and lawns. The joys of living in the plains states.

Well my eyes are barely staying open and I am having trouble putting together something that makes sense. Between the oxy and being dog ass tired I will have to grab some Z's and write more later. I want to discuss some handicap parking placard issues as well as put up some links to each states DMV.

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