
The stupid life...

Without a doubt that show, The Simple Life is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard of.

I cannot believe that someone even came up with this concept and was then able to sell it to a TV station. I cannot even begin to put in words what I truly feel about this show. I mean I did not think it was possible to 1-find people that dumb and 2-people that lazy. But then again I have had to work for a living and do not stand to inherit a large sum of money.

Yes, I know. Paris Hilton has allowed her name to be used in a
trendy night club for what I have heard is a cool $10 million. I also know she has some other company project that she works on.

Let's face it, had she grown up like the majority of us she would be blogging on Friday night instead of
stealing copies of her own sex tape from a corner newsstand. The fact is that had she not been raised in the privileged life she is accustomed to she probably would have had to marry rich because book smarts waved bye-bye to her a long time ago.

Her cohort, Nicole Ritchie is not much better. While she came from
humble beginning, she learned to live like a spoiled brat quickly. A stint in drug rehab for heroin and she joined the exclusive club of "spoiled little rich kids" as a life member. I should cut her some slack as Michael Jackson is her God father (that hurt just typing it...) and the fact that as of her last Howard Stern interview she has only had sex with 2 guys. Not bad for someone living life a little fast.

Sad thing is that I am even blogging about this. It is now 5:40am and I never did fall back asleep. While watching the early morning news they had a blurb about this awful show with Nicole & Paris. Why would someone watch this? I mean these are 2 girls who think that everyday life like we live it is a joke. They take on menial jobs and then fail miserably at them. I know that the producers have taken a little creative license with the show, but having heard both the girls speak outside of the show I am betting the producers did not have to do much to get what they were really looking for.

Sorry but what those 2 find funny about our everyday lives is an insult to the hardworking men and women out there. When this show has run it's course in another season or two, Nicole and Paris will be sitting beside the pool somewhere sipping drinks garnished with little pink umbrella's and they will reflect on all the hard work they have done to get there.

Tid bit for you. Did you know that Paris Hilton does not even own a home? She lives in hotels around the world, jet setting between seasons of her show and thumbing her nose at the very people she is trying to get to watch her show.

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