
Refills & fresh baked bread...

I ran to pick up my prescription this morning and did not realize until I got to the pharmacy that it was dated incorrectly. Now I did not think it was a big deal but the girl behind the counter about threw a fit. It seems my doctor accidently put the right day but put the year as '04. It took me a few minutes to explain to her that I called it in yesterday so I could pick it up today and all she needed to do was call the office and verify when I picked it up. It took some poking and prodding but she finally agreed that she could do that and 45 seconds later it was all fixed. Of course then she tells me that they may be out of it!

I actually shoveled the stairs and the walkway this morning. I figured I would pay for that later on but I was surprised when I did not have a flare up like I expected. I was a bit sore but I think that was just from not using certain muscles in awhile. The snow we got was the big chunky snow that is wet, perfect for snowballs and making snowmen. Of course about 2 hours after I shoveled it warmed up to about 40F and the snow on the rest of the walkway melted... I still felt good about being able to do it without hurting for the rest of the day.

I did some baking today too. Not much, just a couple of loaves of wheat bread. I tried to make some rye bread too but it did not rise. I made the starter like I normally do and it worked in the wheat bread, so I am not sure what happened with the rye. I will have to grab some more flour and yeast tomorrow and try again. There is little that I love to eat more then fresh baked warm bread with a little bit of butter or honey on top.

1 comment:

Saija said...

mmmm, fresh baked bread with butter & honey on top! that sounds super!! and you are sounding more positive & chipper too ... change in meds? maybe working well?