
Pain Causes...

Pain Causes:

"What is Chronic Pain? Acute pain occurs when the body is telling the brain there is something wrong, like when we have a decayed tooth. However, once the tooth is fixed, the pain stops. With chronic pain it doesn't stop and for many that pain is a daily occurrence. Any pain lasting longer than six months or that occurs beyond the usual course of a disease, or beyond reasonable time for an injury to heal is considered chronic.
Chronic pain can be caused by disease or conditions, as well as injury or surgery. One of the hardest parts of dealing with chronic pain is that since pain is a feeling generated within our own bodies and interpreted by our own brain, no one else can feel our pain or know exactly what we feel. So often even our own doctors don't understand and sometimes don't believe us.
Chronic pain negatively impacts all aspects of an individual's life, including emotional, vocational, financial and social elements. The entire family is dramatically affected by the chronic pain of any family member. Many who live in chronic pain feel isolated because they can no longer work or their friends and family are tired of hearing about the pain. Depression is often a side effect of chronic pain which can further increase a feeling of isolation. If you or someone you know have chronic pain, join us in our message board and chat rooms... you don't have to be alone with your pain. "

A great site for information on chronic pain as well as the definition of chronic pain. It is probably the simplest explanation that I have seen in my quest for information on pain and it's causes. I especially like that they explain that it difficult for people not suffering from chronic pain to understand what someone is going through.

One of the common things I hear from people is that it is "in my head" and I "should work through it." I wish it really was that simple. I would also happily change places with someone who believes that, even if just for a few hours. To tell the truth it is not the pain that gets me so much but the constant need for pain medications and that I have to have some one with me pretty much everywhere I go. This site really hits it home with the depression and isolation issue. It affected my family and I sank way down in depression, thankfully my doctor and family were all over it and I was quickly put on
Lexapro which was a huge help. I also use this blog to vent rather then my family and friends. It too has been a huge plus in forging ahead. My family has also been learning as we go along.

The meds are a give and take, for while they handle the pain and bring it to a level that is manageable but they all have side effects. Some leave you so tired that it is difficult to not sleep most of the day and others give you an upset stomach or dry skin. The constant use of the Kadian (and many other narcotics) causes constipation and hard stools, which literally are a pain in the arse. So, while you take one pill to manage pain you have to take another to counter it's side effects. Thankfully with the Kadian it is as simple as drinking some metamucil or making sure you are supplementing your fiber intake in some manner.

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