
Rating blogs

Does anyone else feel that the current system in place at Blogexplosion is screwy? The fact that you can rate a site is great but the person who most would need the info(feedback) cannot see anything other then the total rating. I have no problem with not being able to see who rated you nor do I care, I do think that we should be able to see the individual scores and that anyone rating a blog should have to leave feeback, especially if they are rating you low.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Espically on that they should be required to leave feedback.

Unknown said...

the rating should not be taken seriously at all! i have found whenever i have a high rating and get into the top 10, someone votes and brings me down instantly (probably gives me a '1'), to up his/her own score.

i am just happy i have found new and wonderful blogger friends, that's all :)

opforsoldier said...

I am not worried in them so much in that manner but I am curious as to why they leave a low one. Since I cover a very narrow niche it helps to know if people are looking for information on something I have not covered.

Since I own the domain I am on and have my blog spidered every night, I can see which ketwords people are looking for and that helps me determine what I should be covering, the rating system is one more way for me to do that as well.

Jillyvanilli said...

I would think some people leave low ratings because it amuses them. Sad but true.

I don't know what nationality the guy is that left the sarcastic comment on my blog, I never presumed he was American one bit, I actually didn't really stop to think about that, it seems most of the people commenting presumed and yes, I totally agree that it's not right to jump to conclusions.

The only conclusion I've jumped to is that he is a dickhead!

Greg Finnegan said...

I have stopped leaving scores. I like people to leave comments on my blog, so that's what I leave. This time, I came to you via BlogClicker, so I don't know how to score anyway!

. said...

I found that when people were able to see who left the rating, there was a lot of retaliation rating going on. That's just not good. I think you should be able to change your rating of a blog, since they change over time. What sucks today may be totally delightful tomorrow. Or something like that. I pretty much ignore the ratings, except that when I get a negative one, I go to my logs and figure out who left it for me. Bwaahaahaa, I have plans for those people! :)

Suzanne said...

I tend to see their system as more of a high school popularity contest! If it was indeed trying to be helpful and constructive...than it should offer reasons, and feedback. I also don't think anyone looks past the front page post and then rates it. I doubt they bother to read the whole content.

ella m. said...

Yeah there does seem to be a bit of high school mentality going on with the whole system. However I am amused when someone leaves me a nasty comment but lacks the cojones to leave a url to their own writing. It's funny that my typing on a screen somehow incences someone into that level of juvenile behavior. Regardless, I keep on going for those who do enjoy it. The rest can **explenitive deleted** :D