
Med change day...

Well I saw the doctor this morning (actually my nurse practitioner) and we talked about the switch from Oxy to Kadian. We talked about quality of life and that I was really impressed with the Oxy and how I have been able to do more then I had been. He is sure that I will maintain that quality with Kadian, and it is only once a day rather then the 2 for the Oxy and no more breakthrough pain meds. The topper though was when they commented on the weight loss since the last visit and agreed that I have obviously benefited from the Oxy. I told them that I will take the Kadian for at least thirty days before I decide, but the nurse practitioner agreed that if I felt I was not getting the same results we would revisit the Oxy questions and possibly switch back.

We also talked about the elavil and how I do not feel the 25mg was helping me the way we had talked about, so we doubled that to the 50mg. One thing I forgot to ask was if I should take the Kadian in the morning or in the evening. If it is going to make me tired then nighttime seems the smart move to me, but I have been known to be wrong once or twice.

The other issue I forgot to ask about was the T.E.N.S. machine. We were so wrapped around the meds that when the visit was coming to an end I just spaced.

Comparison study of 12hr time release morphine versus
24r time release. I was happy to stumble across this study as I did have some questions after talking with the pharmacist. When I was discussing the difference of Kadian and MS Contin he left me more confused then before I asked the question. Almost like asking someone how to change the oil in your car and they tell you how to build the car. Interesting? Sure, but not really necessary.


Saija said...

i have never heard of Kadian - i hope it works better for you . . . will be checking in on that!

leo and i were at the doctors today too, for his 3 month meds - we get everything in 3 month batches (this time 19 different things), it cuts down on the dispensing fees and leo hates to go out (well it is rough on him) . . . he had all his bloodwork results back and on paper he looks healthy (we were laughing with his doctor about that), his bld pressure was even 120/70, chol. good, sugar levels good . . . etc etc ... go figure! :o(

opforsoldier said...

Kadian is Morphine Sulphate in 24 hour time release, basically longer lasting MS Contin. I need to get my bloodwork done again since it is the new year. I am usually good to go but it never hurts to check.