
Surgical tools left behind...

DHC :: Episode :: When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind

This should be an interesting show. This was a huge concern of mine when I had surgery, so much so that I asked the doctor to show me how they would be accounting for all the items when they were done fixing me. Thankfully he said they used both a manual count and an x-ray to verify nothing was left in that should not be in there.

Halo Scan

I added Halo Scan for the comments. I don't really like the fact that they cut you off after so many characters (1000 for us cheap people) but I like that they open in a new window. Nothing more annoying then having to click "back" to get to the main page again.

Damn colds...

I have caught some kind of bug and now my chest feels like someone is standing on thanks to all the congestion. Of course you have to cough to try and clear the phlegm and in doing so it send a shooting pain right down the back. Looks like I will be sucking down the last of the Robitussin before I go to sleep.

The good news is that my wife has pretty much the next 4 days off. She has 2 full days off and on the other 2 she only has a meeting and will be home for dinner. I don't think we have had this much time together since she went back to work last year. While we need he money I would have to say I was much happier when we were broke and together all the time.

New Template

Ok. After a few minutes of screwing around with the template I think I have it back where I want it. I would like to thank Aoi for the new skin which I was able to download from Blogskins.com

I am still working on one of my own but my artistic talents leave something to be desired.

If you see something missing or not working properly please let me know by send me email

Edit: I forgot that this template will only work for the main page. The archives will still be the old template until I find the time to fix them as well.

Small town finally gets phone service

This is just amazing. Who would think that with all the technical advances over the last 50 years that we would still have some places without phones?

MINK, La. - There's a fish-fry Monday in this hamlet of 15 households to celebrate big news: phone service. Gov. Kathleen Blanco plans to call 83-year-old Mink resident Alma Louise Bolton from Baton Rouge to mark the occasion, which finally connects one of the nation's last rural areas without access to regular phone service.

"We started in early 1970 trying to get a phone," Bolton said. "We'd talk to the phone company but they'd never call back. Some in the community bought CBs (citizen band radios). We tried those for a while."

BellSouth Corp. has spent $700,000 — or about $47,000 per phone — to extend about 30 miles of cable through thick forests to Mink, about 100 miles south of Shreveport. All phone customers in the state will cover the cost through a small monthly charge on their bills.

Lawrence St. Blanc, secretary for the Public Service Commission, which regulates utility and telecommunications companies in the state, said the monthly charge should be less than a dollar a month.

The commission has set up a fund where the money will be deposited to ensure that the poor and people in rural areas continue to have access to telephones. It will both subsidize their rates and repay phone companies when the cost of connecting isolated rural pockets to residential phone service exceeds $1,500 per phone.

Tucked away in the Kisatchie National Forest near the Texas state line, Mink is the last settlement of full-time residents in Louisiana without phone service, St. Blanc said.

"At least that we know about," he said.

Another small community called Shaw, about 80 miles to the east, recently got a cell phone tower for its few year-round residents and many hunting camps.

"It's wonderful," said Judy Ballard, 58, who lives in Shaw. "But it took me losing my husband" to get the service.

For years, she and others in the area had lobbied the PSC for some kind of phone service. Then Ballard's husband, Mike, had a heart attack in May 1998.

A neighbor raced to the top of a levee to try to get a cellular phone signal from anywhere. The 911 operator he reached was in Mississippi, and it took 90 minutes for an emergency crew to arrive.

Auto-Immune aspects of Arachnoiditis

I was looking for some information on arthritis in arachnoiditis patients and how it might be addressed as part of pain management. I found some very interesting information but I also found this article that got my attention.

Auto-Immune Aspects of Arachnoiditis


In autoimmune diseases, the body is basically fighting against itself. Antibodies, which are part of the body’s defense mechanism against invading viruses and bacteria, are formed against body tissue. Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the presence of antibodies and T-cells against "self" components, called autoantibodies and auto-reactive T-cells.

There are 2 main theories as to why this might be happening:

1. The molecular mimicry theory. Some invading organisms, in particular certain types of viruses, may mimic the genetic make-up of the body’s cells. The body mounts a normal immune response to these antigens by creating antibodies. The immune cells however, find it difficult to distinguish between the foreign cells and those of the body that they closely resemble. After the infection has been dealt with, the T cells, continue to stimulate production of antibodies, which now attack the body’s own cells.

2. The "hidden antigen theory". T cells are “programmed” in early life in the thymus, to recognize antigens that it needs to attack. In other words, it learns to distinguish between “self” and “non-self”. However, some antigens may remain “hidden” so that there is no recognition of them. If there is no exposure to these antigens, then there will not be an autoimmune response, but if the antigen does get exposed, because of infection or trauma, it could cause an autoimmune response.

A third theory suggests that the control systems which normally suppress autoimmune attack by our T cells somehow fail to do their jobs.

There is evidence that some people have a genetic predisposition to developing autoimmune disease. This may be measurable in some types of disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and ankylosing spondylitis, as a specific HLA (MHC) type.

MacDonald ([i]) noted that 18% of the general population carry a factor in the blood (Histamine Release Factor HRF) which causes a strong, sustained autoimmune reaction. If this group of patients could be identified, it might help to tell us who is at greater risk of developing autoimmune disease.

One of the known triggers for autoimmune disease is chemical insult e.g. drugs.

Autoimmune diseases are either “organ specific” (affecting one organ) or “non-organ specific” (i.e. affecting several organs).

Of the organ specific types (which include thyroiditis, diabetes etc): various neurological conditions have an autoimmune component.

These include Guillain–Barre Syndrome, Myasthenia gravis, Multiple sclerosis, and several types of immune neuropathies such as Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. Some of these disorders are similar to arachnoiditis in certain aspects. Also, there are a number of arachnoiditis patients who have a dual diagnosis of arachnoiditis and MS.

Of the non-organ specific types (e.g. lupus) there are often neurological aspects, including neuropathy.

There is a third group of autoimmune disorders: Multiple autoimmune syndromes.

These are when there are 3 or more co-existing discrete autoimmune disorders, and there are also “overlap” syndromes in which the features of one disease overlap with another concomitant disease.

Many autoimmune diseases involve vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) as a cause for the tissue damage, including central nervous system. Indeed, vasculitic neuropathy is a recognized feature of conditions such as Wegener’s Granulomatosis. There are features in arachnoiditis that are suggestive of a vasculitic process, including, in particular, the skin rashes that may be vasculitic.


Whilst there have been individual doctors who suspect an autoimmune component to arachnoiditis, there has been little specific research into this. The following ideas are like pieces of a jigsaw and may be difficult to put together to form a picture, as many of the pieces of the puzzle remain missing. I am merely attempting to note the following as pointers towards possible future areas for research.

Arachnoiditis is chronic inflammation of the arachnoid layer of the meninges, resulting in formation of scar tissue that causes nerve roots to adhere to each other and the dural layer.

Usually this is limited by the fibrinolytic process, which breaks down excess scar tissue, but in arachnoiditis the scar tissue continues to form.

Authors such as Jayson have suggested that there may be a defect in the fibrinolytic pathway.

Dr. Frank Mayfield felt that there might be an immune response that is responsible for the degree of reaction, especially to chemical insult.

Frank and his colleagues cultured arachnoidal cells in vitro and demonstrated their immune capabilities. ([ii])

There seems, from anecdotal evidence, to be a significant proportion of arachnoiditis patients who have autoimune problems. In some cases, the autoimmune features were present before the event that triggered arachnoiditis (e.g. surgery or myelogram) which suggests an underlying predisposition. In many other cases, the autoimmune disorders were diagnosed after onset of arachnoiditis, pointing to an autoimmune reaction, probably to chemical insult such as myelographic dye. ( similar in essence to the neuropathy caused by adulterated rapeseed oil).

It may therefore be that arachnoiditis involves a non-organ specific autoimmune response, or that it is part of a multiple autoimmune syndrome.

Marinac ([iii]) noted that there appears to be an association between the occurrence of hypersensitivity-type reactions in drug and chemical induced meningitis (an acute reaction) and underlying collagen vascular disease (known to be autoimmune).

In a similar way, it is may be that arachnoiditis represents a chronic hypersensitivity and it may also be related to underlying collagen vascular diseases.

Chemically Induced Immune System Disorder (CIISD) was described by the National Foundation For the Chemically Hypersensitive as a complex multisystem condition, resulting from toxic exposure which causes development of abnormal activated immune system and thence development of autoantibodies.

Arachnoiditis may well be an example of CIISD. ( see below)


It has been seen in conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis that there may be anti-plasminogen antibodies (plasminogen is part of the fibrinolytic pathway).

It may therefore be possible that arachnoiditis involves an autoimmune process that affects fibrinolysis.

A recent paper([iv]) suggests that there is a similar process of inflammation to that seen in serous membranes such as the peritoneum, with “a negligible inflammatory cellular exudate and a prominent fibrinous exudate”. It is worth noting that the condition retroperitoneal fibrosis may be seen in association with rheumatoid arthritis.

There are also other autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma, in which fibrosis is a feature. By studying these conditions, we may be able to increase our understanding of arachnoiditis.

It is worth noting that a number of arachnoiditis patients develop multiple drug allergies. This is also a feature of autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

Another interesting point is that there is a link emerging between viral infections such as mononucleosis (Epstein Barr virus) and autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren’s disease, Systemic Lupus and MS. A number of arachnoiditis patients, either with or without diagnosed autoimmune disease, have also had preceding viral infection, maybe even some years prior to onset of arachnoiditis. It is now being postulated that these viruses may act as a trigger for underlying genetic predisposition to autoimmune disease, possibly through their ability to modify the host cell DNA, or by molecular mimicry.


Symptoms in arachnoiditis may undergo a fluctuating course, which in many patients seems to reflect periods of “flare-up” interspersed with relative remission.

During the flare-ups there may be low-grade fever, raised white cell count and/or ESR (SED).

There may also be lymph gland enlargement, joint pains and generalised malaise.

Another feature commonly found in arachnoiditis patients is skin rash, the origin of which may remain unidentified.

Symptoms of dry eyes and mouth may be related to side effects of medication, or they could be like those seen in Sjogren’s syndrome, (some patients have this diagnosis).

Multiple drug allergies are seen in some patients.

A common occurrence is the dual diagnosis of arachnoiditis and fibromyalgia (FMS). The features of FMS are undoubtedly common in arachnoiditis patients but I feel that they are part of the arachnoiditis syndrome, rather than a separate disease process.

Chemically Induced Immune System Disorder (see above) manifests itself in a broad manner:

Skin: sores, rashes etc.
Eyes: redness, burning, blurred vision
Ears: dizziness, balance problems, tinnitus
Nose: congested, nosebleeds
Throat: dry, hoarse voice
Chest: pain, shortness of breath etc.
Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhoea
Menstrual: irregular periods
Urinary: blood in urine
Musculoskeletal: muscle and joint pain
Nervous system: fatigue, headaches, memory lapses, depression, etc.
There is also what is known as the “spreading phenomenon” which means that sufferers tend to become allergic to a variety of substances, the commonest of which are: petroleum products, phenol, pesticides, detergent enzymes, synthetic fragrances and flavours.

This picture is very similar to that seen in arachnoiditis.


Firstly, by identifying an autoimmune component in some cases, we will gain a better understanding of the disease process. It may also help to explain some of the symptoms that arachnoiditis patients experience, which are so far unexplained, such as the frequent skin rashes and the intermittent low grade fevers with a “flare-up” pattern similar to that seen in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. This may mean that doctors accept the many and varied symptoms that they currently ascribe all too frequently to “psychosomatic” causes.

Secondly, the field of autoimmune disease is one in which there is extensive research. We may be able to work towards some kind of treatment based on the disease process, rather than treating the symptoms palliatively, which is the present situation.

Now when I first saw the title of the article I did not think of something like lupus as an auto-immune defeciency. Actually I would not have thought an auto-immune deficiency as being responsible or even a part of having arachnoiditis but it does make sense after reading the piece.

Of course now mind is going a million miles an hour wondering which if any deficiencies would be a factor in my arachnoiditis. Diabetes is a concern on my mothers side of the family and is a likely factor in the death of her parents.

Here is some more information on the other conditions mentioned in the reading if you are interested in knowing more about them.

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Myasthenia gravis

Multiple sclerosis
I must have slept on my shoulder and now it hurts when I move it to much, so I decided to follow my mothers sage advice heard many times in my youth "well then don't move it." She is full of advice like that and she still doles it out on occasion. Of course having me as a child has probably robbed her of 15 years of sanity.

The numbness in my right leg seems to have gone away and even the left leg is feeling pretty good this morning. The only pain seems to be in the lower back and that is more of a stiffness then a burning pain this morning. In fact the only pain that really seems to be bothering me is the shoulder and I am sure s the day goes on that will go away.

All the snow we got the other day is gone but we are under another winter storm warning today. They are calling for heavy snow with visibility of less then .5 miles/.8 Kilometers. For us it is going to be a hit or miss as we are right on the edge of the band of snow. We were going to go to my parents house but they are right in the middle of the snow.


Blogger, again...

This is the third or fourth time this week that I have had trouble using blogger to post, but only through internet explorer. I hit publish and get a Java Runtime Error with IE but I can post with no problem through Firefox. I would love to switch to Moveable Typebut for some reason it will not run on my current server. I would love to move but the pros outweigh the cons big time. I get 1GB if storge and 25GB of bandwidth a month as well as all the email addy's and 1 .com/.net domain inclued in the monthly cost, which is $4.99 with 6 months paid in advance from 1and1.com . You also get to download some software to help you publish a website, edit photos and create images as well as a dynamic site creator that will let you create a Flash enabled website.

While 1and1 won't allow you to use moveable type you can use blogger (when it works) and I believe some of the other stuff that is out there.

Watch out for the flat spots...

I zoned out while watching a movie and the next thing I knew it was 5pm. I don't understand how I can be so tired, it's not like I am as active as I used to be. Although chasing a 2 year old can be tiresome. It must be the lack of sleep I get at night? Of course that is probably because I have been taking 4 hour naps in the middle of the day... It's a vicious circle.

My right leg and foot are certainly becoming more numb as the week has progressed but it is not as bad as the let side. It is not like we did not expect this but more like I was hoping that it would not happen for some time. It is like a slow decent into total dependency on others for my daily needs. I am not someone who does well having to depend on others for daily needs. I guess what I really do not like is that you live each day wondering if this will get worse. Of course though there is the amusement of tripping on the flat spots in the floor.

My youngest has learned how to tickle and it is cute when he runs around the house yelling, "Tickle, tickle, tickle." I hate to tell him to stop but every now and then he gets my left foot while I am reclined in the chair. It hurts but at the same time it is funny, almost damned if you do kind of thing. I want him to play and have fun but he is to young to understand that what he does to mommy and brother hurt daddy.

72 percent!

That is an amazing number, it is the number of registered voters in Iraq who showed up to vote, they voted despite the threats of violence that really did not happen. That number shows that the Iraqi people are no longer willing to live in fear of the isurgents. They have waited for 30 years to have a choice other then yes or no, and the insurgents were not going to stop them.

The insurgents did carry out several attacks, but they were far fewer then even I expected. Perhaps proof that they are unable to pull off the attacks without the support of the local population, the very people who have grown tired of the insurgents. They have grown tired of not just the insurgents but the fact that it is foreign insurgents that are trying to keep them from the polling stations with threats of violence. I am glad that the Iraqi people have stood up for themselves and showed the world they will no longer be intimidated by gangs of thugs.

Now it is just waiting for the votes to be counted, the elected parties to take their positions and Iraq to start ruling itself. This is a process that will not happen overnight and we need to be patient and continue to support the troops. Hopefully though this is a successful election and we will have our men and women home by next Christmas.


Refills & fresh baked bread...

I ran to pick up my prescription this morning and did not realize until I got to the pharmacy that it was dated incorrectly. Now I did not think it was a big deal but the girl behind the counter about threw a fit. It seems my doctor accidently put the right day but put the year as '04. It took me a few minutes to explain to her that I called it in yesterday so I could pick it up today and all she needed to do was call the office and verify when I picked it up. It took some poking and prodding but she finally agreed that she could do that and 45 seconds later it was all fixed. Of course then she tells me that they may be out of it!

I actually shoveled the stairs and the walkway this morning. I figured I would pay for that later on but I was surprised when I did not have a flare up like I expected. I was a bit sore but I think that was just from not using certain muscles in awhile. The snow we got was the big chunky snow that is wet, perfect for snowballs and making snowmen. Of course about 2 hours after I shoveled it warmed up to about 40F and the snow on the rest of the walkway melted... I still felt good about being able to do it without hurting for the rest of the day.

I did some baking today too. Not much, just a couple of loaves of wheat bread. I tried to make some rye bread too but it did not rise. I made the starter like I normally do and it worked in the wheat bread, so I am not sure what happened with the rye. I will have to grab some more flour and yeast tomorrow and try again. There is little that I love to eat more then fresh baked warm bread with a little bit of butter or honey on top.

It's snowing!

We got about 3 inches or so over night and it was coming down in huge chunks rather then flakes. According to the news it came down in about an hour or so and then moved on which is fine with me. I like snow, just not 12 inches at a time like the rest of the country has been getting.

The arachnoiditis has to be advancing. That would be the only thing that would explain all the new pain and numbness that I have been having, especially in the right leg. So far it has not spread down the right leg like has on the left but right at the top of my leg, almost to my butt it is burning. It feels almost like when you pull a muscle and can't sit down without the pain. I am heading in to the doctors office in a bit to pick up my prescriptions so I will see if I can grab my doc for a second and ask about this.

Not much planned for today other then trying to finish up some things I could not finish this week. We almost have the database fixed, all I need to do is synch with the remote office and transfer the data from that computer to this one. Hopefully that should fix the issue, which was a corrupted file thanks to Norton Anti-Virus.



Another type of spinal cord injury is known as Syringomyelia and is a basically cyst that forms within the spinal column. Over time the cyst can grow and like arachnoiditis as it grows it destroys the nerves in the spinal column. This will cause the patient to pain, stiffness & weakness in the back, shoulders, arms and legs. Some of the other symptoms are the ability to feel the difference in hot and cold in the extremities and it may cause problems with bowel and bladder control (Cauda Equina).

Some of the causes of this problem are congenital or it may result as trauma to the brain or spine such as a car accident, fall or surgery. Like arachnoiditis it may remain undetected for years before manifesting itself and it can be diagnosed with an MRI.

There are 2 forms of syringomyelia, with the first being congenital and may be related to the a condition known as
Arnold Chiari Malformation which may also be accompanied by hydrocephalus or arachnoiditis. Here is a blogger suffering from arachnoiditis & chiari malformation. He has not posted in a bit but hopefully he will resume his blog in the near future.

The other forms develop from trauma, meningitis, hemorrhage or tumor and the cyst will develop at the level in which the damage has occurred.

Treatment can be done through surgery at the level of the original injury. The cyst is collapsed and a shunt is inserted to prevent re-expansion of the cyst. Obviously any surgery is risky, especially on the spine. Risks with this type of surgery could be blockage of the cerebral spinal fluid, infection and hemorrhaging.

The benefits obviously are alleviation of the symptoms and allow the patient to maintain some quality of life. Without treatment the symptoms would be similar to arachnoiditis, pain in the back, limbs, headaches etc...

I have not forgotten...

I fell asleep fairly early last night but I think the Kadian is causing me to have some weird dreams. I am sure that would be a side effect of morphine based drugs, but I would have to do some more reading on it.

I dreamt that I was back in the Army. This though was not just a dream where you can hear and see things, I could smell and taste them too. Like if I was actually awake and there. This dream was interesting though as it was something that really happened in my past. It was a day I have thought about often but I have never dreamt about, October 13, 1993.

I was stationed at Fort Irwin as a member of the OPFOR and had been tasked to go out and fight what is known as the counter recon screen. Basically you send out a few vehicles and men to a forward position and they monitor "enemy" activity so that the commander can have better feel for where the enemy are and when they might attack. On this particular fight it was my BMP, a T-72 from our sister tank company and another BMP from 1st PLT of my company, commanded by SSG Fitzpatrick.

We moved into our positions right after EENT (early evening nautical twilight) so as to provide the best chances for not being observed but still being able to maneuver easily. I positioned myself just forward of Hill 876 and the Peanut/Chod Hill and reported back to the commander that my vehicle was "set." I could hear the engines of the other vehicles moving around, looking for a position that would offer cover and concealment but allow them to hear and view the battlefield. When they too reported "set", we went in to observation mode.

It was a night of limited movement. What little moon we had was obscured by a heavy cloud cover, rendering any night vision we had almost worthless. Couple that with the winds kicking up sand and driving was difficult.

The night was going smoothly and we intercepted several small recon patrols. Rather then fire the main gun and risk giving away our position we called in artillery strikes to "kill" them. This was a mission I truly enjoyed being on and was often tasked with doing just like the other BMP that was with me that night. We chatted on the radio with the other vehicles to ID and target incoming enemy patrols, but I would say more so to fight off the boredom that accompanies the mission. When there is no enemy to fight, there is nothing to do.

Around 0445 the company commander called and ordered us to move back in to the battle positions about 5 kilometers to our rear. Making the movement was going to be slow but we needed to be done before BMNT (before morning nautical twilight) so as not to be seen and give away the battle positions. The other BMP and mine met up just to the West side of Hill 876 where the wire and mine obstacles were located. Since I was with the engineers when the minefield had been laid I led the other vehicle through and then closed off the wire while he continued to move to his position.

Up until that moment everything had gone as it normally did. I closed the minefield off and moved my vehicle down the min trail which would lead me to my fighting position. In the distance I could hear the engine of the other BMP searching for their position. I found mine and pulled the vehicle in to the defilade and climb out on top. It was a quiet evening in the desert, crisp with a slight breeze that was nipping my cheeks, I listened to the excited babble on the radio as people were slowly starting to awake and finish the prep for the oncoming fight.

It was then that I saw the red star cluster. In the Army red smoke and illumination rounds are used for one thing only, real world emergencies that required immediate medical assistance. I grabbed my binoculars to see if I could locate the position but it was still fairly dark. I told my gunner to switch our auxiliary radio to the range control & medevac freq because if this was real world emergency they would most likely be calling in a medevac.

It took few minutes but the radio leapt to life with excited calls to range control from 6ID (pronounced six india delta) which was the call sign of our company commander. They had a priority mission for a medevac for a troop in critical condition. All we could do was sit and wonder who it was. That is the part that sucks, all these guys are your buddies.

The sun was poking it's head over the horizon and out in the valley you could see the dust trails of the "enemy" columns that had started their movement. The radios were abuzz with 20 people all trying to talk over each other but the only thing I was hearing was the medevac frequency. It was not long until I heard the news. Our critical casualty had passed away and they were changing the request for a medevac to a call for a coroner. My heart sank and I remember choking back tears when they gave the vehicles grid coordinates. It was the vehicle I has spent the night with on the counter recon screen, SSG Fitzpatrick.

What had happened was that when I left them at the wire they started their move back to their position. The positions for the vehicles are a hole in the ground deep enough to hide a tank and they have a shallow platform that they can pull up on to while still being partially dug in they can fire their main gun at the enemy while maintaining a low profile. For night time purposes we marked the poles in a way that we would be able to see them at a close distance but not far away. This would allow us to move safely in the battle position but not allow the enemy to target the positions at night. For the BMPs' we were in the holes are about 10' deep. While they were crossing the open desert looking for their position they drove across a hole that had been improperly marked and their vehicle rolled on ts side in to the hole. Fitz was the tank commander and as such he was standing on a platform in the turret that would allow him to see out of the vehicle and guide the driver. When the vehicle rolled over he was trapped between the side wall of the hole and the top of the turret.

It is a night I have not forgotten and never will.

Why I had the dream I do not know, but all the sensaions were as real as they were that day. I could taste the sand as would blow in to my mouth and nose, the moement of the vehicle as it jostles you around. In other dreams I have been able to taste food and feel, things that have never been a component of my dreams before. I can only say that this started since the med change.

To this day I can still see Fitz's face and hear his voice, almost 12 years later. He was a tall guy and while he was black he had a light complexion and freckles. I used to give him a hard time about it since all of us who are Irish are thought to have red hair and freckles, and he would come back with "I'm black Irish." Of course this got a laugh out of me.

Rest In Peace Fitz.


Sleep, finally...

Well I finally moved upstairs and got some sleep. It was much needed but I still had some problems with my leg and foot waking me up. They have been numb all day and nothing seems to help so I may be in for another night of laying awake. If that is the case I brought up some movies to watch.

Since I am trying to type this while sitting in the glider chair my leg is getting more numb so I may have to run back down stairs and grab some pillows off the couch to prop under my knees.

One thing I did notice is the swelling in my back has gone down since yesterday which means that the spasms should be stopping soon. It is wierd though as if you run your hand straight down my back from between my shoulder blades to the small of my back you can feel where the screws and rods are located. There is a definite change in the thickness of the skin from scar tissue that has grown.

I do believe that what ever kind of bug I have had for a few days is finally clearing out. My head is not congested today and my stomach has stopped churning. Hopefully what ever it was stays gone but with another wild swing in the weather tomorrow we will wait and see. The nice thing about living in the Plains state's, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes, it will change. We have gone from below zero up to 70F this week and now tomorrow they are calling for several inches of snow.

I did get some work done today as well I worked on a new skin for the blog. I am not sure when it will or if it will be up as everytime I look at it I change something else. I have been using ULEADs' PhotoImpact and Macromedia Fireworks to create it as well as Flash MX to mess around with making flash animations. So far I still suck at it, but someday!!!

My wife had to work this evening so it is just me and the boys. We watched some TV and screwed around mostly. The oldest earned himself an early bedtime with no reading allowed for being a smart ass. When he got home from school he made himself a snack and then left everything in the sink. When I saw the mess later on I asked him to come clean it up which of course was met with the usual tirade of "it's not my mess..." His only problem is that neither his mother or I eat Tuna fish, which is what he made himself for a snack. Oooops! Instead of owning up to the mistake and cleaning up he decided to be a smartass and dig the hole deeper. I let him take his shower and then sit and relax to watch "The Apprentice" which he loves to watch and just about the time the show was getting good and he probably thought I had forgotten about the early bedtime, I told him to head to his room. LOL!

I hate having to discipline but it must be done. What I REALLY hate is people who tell me that my wife and I are to strict and that we should loosen up. Especially when the person making the comment has no kids. Neither my wife or I hit our kids nor do we mess around. When we say something we expect it to be done without question, the rules are simple and understood by my kids. I want my kids to have fun growing up, but I also have to prepare them for life beyond my house someday. That is not going to happen by being their "friend." They have plenty of time to play and we have provided them with a comfortable home to do so. They both have their own rooms as well as anything they need. They are allowed to have friends stay over, play sports or whatever. All they are required to do to be able to have those things is to maintain good grades (85%+), do their chores and be respectful of their parents.

Anyway, I think I have babbled enough this evening.

Some Medical Humor

Since I am punch drunk this morning and the last few posts had nothing to do with my real blog subject I thought I would bring it back at least to the medical side. Here is a list of actual notes on patients medical charts as recorded by their health care professional. I know I had a good laugh on some of these.

1. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a

2. On the 2nd day the knee was better and on the 3rd day it
disappeared completely.

3. She has had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband
states she was very hot in bed last night.

4. The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me
in 1997.

5. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also
appears to be depressed.

6. Discharge status: Alive but without permission.

7. Healthy appearing decrepit 69 year-old male, mentally alert
but forgetful.

8. The patient refused an autopsy.

9. The patient has no past history of suicides.

10. Patient has left his white blood cells at another hospital.

11. Patient's past medical history has been remarkably
insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past
three days.

12. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

13. Between you and me, we ought to be able to get this lady

14. Since she can't get pregnant with her husband, I thought you
might like to work her up.

15. She is numb from her toes down.

16. While in the ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home.

17. The skin was moist and dry.

18. Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.

19. Patient was alert and unresponsive.

20. Rectal exam revealed a normal size thyroid.

21. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life,
until she got a divorce.

22. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for
physical therapy.

23. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.

24. Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

25. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.

26. The patient was to have a bowel resection. However, he took a
job as a lawyer instead.

27. Skin: Somewhat pale but present.

28. The pelvic examination will be done later on the floor.

29. Patient was seen in consultation by Dr. Blank, who felt we
should sit on the abdomen and I agree.

30. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

Hey lady, take it easy on the Listerine!

I saw this on the local news this morning and just had to see it on the internet for myself. Now I don't know about you but the last time I tried listerine, even just a mouthfull after bruching was enough to make me realize that no matter how much alcohol is in that stuff I AM NOT GOING TO DRINK IT!!!

Original article

ADRIAN, Mich. -- A woman who admitted drinking three glasses of Listerine mouthwash had a blood-alcohol content more than three times the legal limit when she was arrested for drunken driving, police said Friday.
The woman, identified by police Sgt. Mike Shadbolt as 50-year-old Carol A. Ries, was arrested Sunday night and released on personal bond the next day. She was to be arraigned late next week on a misdemeanor charge of operating under the influence of liquor, Shadbolt said.
Police also found an open bottle of Listerine in Ries' car, and asked Lenawee County prosecutors Friday to authorize a warrant charging her with having an open intoxicant in a motor vehicle, Shadbolt said. Calls to the prosecutor's office were not answered after business hours.
Ries showed signs of intoxication after her car rear-ended another vehicle Sunday, Shadbolt said. She told police she had not consumed any alcohol and also passed a Breathalyzer test, but "there was something not quite right about her," Shadbolt said.
She failed a second test using different equipment and, under further questioning, admitted to drinking three glasses of Listerine earlier in the day, Shadbolt said.
According to Listerine manufacturer Pfizer Inc.'s Web site, original formula Listerine contains 26.9 percent alcohol, more than four times that of many malt liquors. Other varieties contain 21.6 percent alcohol.

The stupid life...

Without a doubt that show, The Simple Life is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard of.

I cannot believe that someone even came up with this concept and was then able to sell it to a TV station. I cannot even begin to put in words what I truly feel about this show. I mean I did not think it was possible to 1-find people that dumb and 2-people that lazy. But then again I have had to work for a living and do not stand to inherit a large sum of money.

Yes, I know. Paris Hilton has allowed her name to be used in a
trendy night club for what I have heard is a cool $10 million. I also know she has some other company project that she works on.

Let's face it, had she grown up like the majority of us she would be blogging on Friday night instead of
stealing copies of her own sex tape from a corner newsstand. The fact is that had she not been raised in the privileged life she is accustomed to she probably would have had to marry rich because book smarts waved bye-bye to her a long time ago.

Her cohort, Nicole Ritchie is not much better. While she came from
humble beginning, she learned to live like a spoiled brat quickly. A stint in drug rehab for heroin and she joined the exclusive club of "spoiled little rich kids" as a life member. I should cut her some slack as Michael Jackson is her God father (that hurt just typing it...) and the fact that as of her last Howard Stern interview she has only had sex with 2 guys. Not bad for someone living life a little fast.

Sad thing is that I am even blogging about this. It is now 5:40am and I never did fall back asleep. While watching the early morning news they had a blurb about this awful show with Nicole & Paris. Why would someone watch this? I mean these are 2 girls who think that everyday life like we live it is a joke. They take on menial jobs and then fail miserably at them. I know that the producers have taken a little creative license with the show, but having heard both the girls speak outside of the show I am betting the producers did not have to do much to get what they were really looking for.

Sorry but what those 2 find funny about our everyday lives is an insult to the hardworking men and women out there. When this show has run it's course in another season or two, Nicole and Paris will be sitting beside the pool somewhere sipping drinks garnished with little pink umbrella's and they will reflect on all the hard work they have done to get there.

Tid bit for you. Did you know that Paris Hilton does not even own a home? She lives in hotels around the world, jet setting between seasons of her show and thumbing her nose at the very people she is trying to get to watch her show.

2:30 in the morning...

Well it is about 2:30 in the morning and I am wide awake. I feel asleep for a bit but I woke up with my left leg just throbbing. I tried to get back to sleep but it seems the more I tried to sleep the more it hurt. I decided to put in a movie and see if that would help but after watching Braveheart (yes, the whole movie) and still being awake I came downstairs in hopes that a cup of tea and some pain meds and I would be back off to la-la land.



It appears that blogger is working for me again.

I finally got a decent night of sleep. The last time I looked at the clock it was a little after 10 and I do not remember having to get up for the bathroom or waking up and having to adjust my position. It was certainly nice to wake up and not be in a bunch of pain. That was short lived though.

By the time my son was ready to go to school my back and left foot felt like they had fallen asleep and the left calf was spasming pretty badly. The calf was bad enough that I could actually see some of the spasms, which I have to admit was pretty cool. The areas affected by the arachnoiditis seem to be advancing as I thought the other day. Where it used to be only the arch of my foot and part of my leg that had pain it is now pretty much the whole leg and foot. I do plan on mentioning it to the doctor when I go in for the refills next week, hopefully he will be able to offer me some kind of anti-seizure meds to alleviate some of the new symptoms.

As I have said in other posts I have been on anti-seizure meds before (Neurontin) but it has been linked to depression and suicidal tendencies. When I read that I stopped taking it and have not tried anything since. I have looked in to some of the other ones out there and will see what the doc thinks of them. I found
this article from CNN that can sum up much better then I what some of the more widely used meds are.

Commo check...

Has anyone else experienced blogger failing to publish and then giving you this error? "001 java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused"

It has happened before but not for 2 days straight. What is an even bigger PITA is that I was able to publish through Firfox and not IE at first and now I cannot publish through either.

Time out for a laugh...

I saw this and laughed my ass off. I know it is not PC, but neither am I.

Not much, you?

A decent nights sleep, finally! I must have been out by 10pm and did not get up until about 7am.

My back is burning a bit this morning, but it is nothing out of the ordinary. What is bothering me most lately is my left leg and foot. The numbness seems to be ever increasing in intensity and in area. Where it used to be pretty much only the arch of my foot that really hurt it is now the whole foot and leg. When it is going full force my foot and calf feel as if they are on fire, my knee just throbs and if I try to walk it feels like my hip feels like it is grinding in the socket. Without the pain meds I would think this would be unbearable.

I have decided to take it easy today so I am going to relax and watch VH1 Classics this morning while I do some research for the blog and then I am going to work on my fathers company website. Nothing fancy but anything has to be better then what he has currently going. I think the last time they updated their web presence was pre-flash days...LOL!!!


You better listen to me...

Parents Television Council - Because Our Children Are Watching

Now keeping in mind I am a conservative and a parent of an 11 & 2 Year old. I am all for keeping our public broadcast stations free of strong sexual content, bad language and gratuitous violence during what I think would be normal broadcast hours for kids, 5am-9pm during the week and 6am-10pm on weekends/holidays. During those hours in between they should feel free to broadcast whatever they like as children should be in bed during those hours. Pay stations from cable or satellite should they should broadcast whatever they like whenever they feel like it. After all you chose to put them in your home and they require more then just an antennae to receive the signals, you should be prepared to monitor your children and their viewing habits.

However, just because I feel that public stations should adhere to some standards does not mean I excuse parents from doing their jobs as a parent. Allowing your kid to watch something like Desperate Housewives and then complaining about the content is moronic and in the end no one but you can be held accountable for what is actually watched in your home. Putting restrictions on what the stations can air is only a small part of the effort.

This PTC reminds me of the
Parents Music Resource Center started by Tipper Gore. They are out to tell you how you should rise your kids and what they can and cannot listen to and IMHO they seem to have taken it too far and there seems to be no end in sight. Once they got their foot in the door you're screwed and they will not stop until they have complete oversight on all forms of media.

Groups like the
Parents Television Council remind me of the evangelical's running around spreading their own brand of morality. Thanks but I have my own ideas on how I should live my life and raise my children. If you really want to see someone who has strayed from the flock and off in to the deep end check out Fred Phelps.

Have you seen my mind?

I am getting tired of waking up feeling like this. I have a knot in the small of my back that makes it uncomfortable to sit down for any real period of time. I did not sleep well again either, I just spent most of the night tossing and turning trying to find a good position, but that was like trying to get my 11 year old to clean his room and keep it that way.

To top it all off my database if fried. No one at tech support seems to know how to fix it and they have led me to believe they really don't know much of anything other they every other Friday is payday. I spent most of last night getting it back up and this morning I am at least able to access it but no email and most of the important user defined fields are gone. It is more frustrating then anything as without the information that is in there I cannot do what I need to do.

Of course to add to it the mail just came and we got the gas bill for last month. Now remember, I keep my house rather cool in the winter with the thermostat set at 68F/20C and it does not seem like the furnace runs non stop. We also took some measures before the cold weather got here to seal up leaks around the doors, windows and electrical outlets. I knew the bill would be a bit higher but the $300+ that it is was not even close to what we thought it would be.

Well I took about a 30 minute break from the last paragraph to get some chores done. Sorting and washing the laundry and then changing the baby for the day needed to be done as well as wiping down all the counters and tables with a clorox wipe. Those have to be one of the best things on the market today. They are all to handy and excellent to carry around if you have kids. We keep a container in the backpack when we go out for things like shopping carts and the table in restaurants. I know, it sounds anal but having been in the food business for years I know how UNCLEAN some things really are.

While I was doing all of that I had a flare up, which is the reason I stopped and came back to the recliner. It is not a bad one but enough that standing up was worse then sitting down. Imagine all the muscles in your back having a spasm at the same time. They all tighten up at one, but they don't let go, and that is what this one feels like today. It will start in the center of the lower back and then it spreads.


Free iPod!

Well I finished my requirements to get my free iPod, now all I need is 5 people to help me finish the requirements.

To tell the truth I have always been skeptical of these but figured what the heck. Of course once I found something I wanted,
like the iPod I had to figure out which offer to go with. I already have all the freaking credit cards I need, I have DirecTv, I have Real Rhapsody blah blah blah when the other day I finally found an offer with the Columbia House DVD club. Perfect! I thought, mine expired last year and since I spend most of the time at home I really need to update my collection. So, I went with the Columbia House and when I came home from the Grocery Store today my DVD's were here. The grand total to enroll and get 5 DVD's was $12.40 and I have to buy a few more over the next 2 years or something like that. Since I can never remember to mail the stupid cards back I will have bought all the selections of the month over the next few months...

Anyway, I was surprised to say the least when I went to check the website and got the referral URL.

If you have not signed up for the giveaway's as you are skeptical I do not blame you. Here is a video from Tech TV. On the free ipod website they also have a link to an article from the NY Times from their December 26, 2004 edition. However you may have to sign up to read the whole thing at the NY Times.

Increase the dose...

I just got off the phone with my doctor in reference to the dosage on the Kadian. While it works, I was still having a bit of discomfort, especially during the last few hours of the dose. Since this is the first time we have used Kadian we started with a lower dose which left room to move up.

It was a quick call but I always feel like the kid in trouble when I do have to call him. I would think that he has some time built in to his appointment schedule to accommodate calls like mine but who knows. Anyway, he told me to go ahead and double the dose and to come see him when it is time to refill the Kadian. Like always he is a great doc. I am not so sure what we would do or how we would deal with this if we had our old doctor still....

Drop foot

I have heard of this but had not given it much thought as I just figured the problem I have walking is due to my medical comdition. I do not fit the drop foot symptoms perfectly but I was also told that my arachnoiditis was "mild" by the radiologist who read the films.

The article spefically mentions spondylolisthesis as being a factor in some cases of drop foot but they do not mention anything about arachnoiditis.

Spine Universe Article

Drop Foot and Foot Drop are interchangeable terms that describe an abnormal neuromuscular (nerve and muscle) disorder that affects the patient's ability to raise their foot at the ankle. Drop foot is further characterized by an inability to point the toes toward the body (dorsiflexion) or move the foot at the ankle inward or outward. Pain, weakness, and numbness may accompany loss of function.

Walking becomes a challenge due to the patient's inability to control the foot at the ankle. The foot may appear floppy and the patient may drag the foot and toes while walking. Patients with foot drop usually exhibit an exaggerated or high-stepping walk called Steppage Gait or Footdrop Gait.

Drop Foot/Foot Drop: A Symptom
Drop foot is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying problem. Depending on the cause, drop foot may be temporary or permanent. Often drop foot is caused by injury to the peroneal nerve deep within the lumbar and sacral spine. The peroneal nerve is a division of the sciatic nerve. The peroneal nerve runs along the outside of the lower leg (below the knee) and branches off into each ankle, foot, and first two toes. It innervates or transmits signals to muscle groups responsible for ankle, foot, and toe movement and sensation.

Peroneal Nerve: Causes of Injury
The peroneal nerve is susceptible to different types of injury. Some of these include nerve compression from lumbar disc herniation (e.g. L4, L5, S1), trauma to the sciatic nerve, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, spinal cord injury, bone fractures (leg, vertebrae), stroke, tumor, diabetes, lacerations, gunshot wounds, or crush-type injuries. Drop foot is found in some patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Parkinson's Disease. Sometimes the peroneal nerve becomes injured when stretched during hip or knee replacement surgery.

Proper Diagnosis of Underlying Cause
The diagnostic process includes a comprehensive assessment of the patient's symptoms, past and current medical histories, physical and neurological examinations, imaging studies such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and EMG (electromyogram). The spine specialist must determine the cause of drop foot before formulating a treatment plan.

Drop Foot (Foot Drop) Treatment
The type of treatment is dependent on the underlying cause of drop foot. Some patients may be fitted with an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO), brace, or splint that fits into the shoe to stabilize the ankle/foot. Gait training may be incorporated into the patient's physical therapy treatment plan.

Surgery may be an option to correct or alleviate the underlying problem causing drop foot. For example, if drop foot is caused by nerve compression from a lumbar herniated disc, then a spinal surgical procedure called discectomy (disc removal) may be required to relieve or 'decompress' the nerve.

In some cases, drop foot is a complex problem. Determining the underlying cause of drop foot is one of the physician's first considerations.

No more robitussin!

Well the cold I have been trying to avoid has arrived. My head feels like it is about to explode and I am so congested it hurts. I did however learn something, when you are on MS-Contin (Morphine) robitussin CM will KICK YOUR BUTT! I could not get to sleep last night as every time I tried to lay down the congestion made it difficult to breathe. I finally said screw it and took the robitussin and seconds later my entire body got that warm flushed feeling. I guess I need to run to the pharmacy and grab a different cold medicine.

Since we are talking about sleep I thought I would give some coverage to restless leg syndrome, which for some odd reason I seem to have developed in conjunction with the arachnoiditis. If you have never heard of this basically what happens (at least for me) is that while trying to sleep your legs basically spasm and kick almost like if hit with the reflex mallet. It wakes you up often or worse it prevents you from falling asleep.

Restless Leg Syndrome

What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant sensations of the legs and an urge to move them for relief. Because symptoms are intensified by inactivity and lying down, RLS patients often have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Left untreated, RLS causes exhaustion and fatigue, which can affect occupational performance, social activities, and family life. Most prevalence estimates are around 2 to 5 percent of the population, although many more may be affected because the disorder is often not diagnosed. Severe RLS is more common in the elderly, affecting an estimated 10 to 11 percent, although symptoms may develop at any age. One cause for RLS is probably a defect in brain mechanisms that rely on the signaling chemical, dopamine. Dopamine levels follow a circadian cycle, and are at their lowest at night when RLS symptoms are the worst.

There is often a positive family history of the disorder. Individuals affected with the disorder describe the sensations as pulling, drawing, crawling, wormy, boring, tingling, pins and needles, prickly, and sometimes painful sensations that are usually accompanied by an overwhelming urge to move the legs.Movement provides temporary relief from the discomfort. About 80 percent of RLS patients also have periodic limb movement disorder, which is characterized by repetitive stereotyped movements of the limbs, primarily the legs, during sleep. Periodic limb movement disorder is also referred to as periodic leg movements (PLMs), nocturnal myoclonus, periodic movements in sleep (PMS), and leg jerks. These movements typically occur every 20 to 40 seconds and may be associated with repeated arousal and severely fragmented sleep.

Is there any treatment?

Treatment for restless legs syndrome is symptomatic. Massage and application of cold compresses may provide temporary relief. Medications such as temazepam, levodopa/carbidopa, bromocriptine, pergolide mesylate, oxycodone, propoxyphene, and codeine are effective in relieving the symptoms. However, many of these medications have side effects. Current research suggests correction of iron deficiency may improve symptoms for some patients.

What is the prognosis?

Restless legs syndrome is a life-long condition for which there is no cure. Symptoms may gradually worsen with age, and their most disabling feature is the sleep onset insomnia they cause, which can be severe.


Changing the text color for comments

Can anyone give me a hand changing the comment text colors? Seems no matter what I do they either stay white or the background gets to dark. It is late and I am tired so my morphine drained brain is not working properly...

Ever wonder?

Have you ever wondered where the nerves in your spinal cord run to? Did you know that each level of the spine has a nerve root that controls a different part of your body and based on your pain location the doctors can pinpoint the section of the spine they need to see in an MRI or CT Scan? This is a great picture of the spine and what part of the body each section controls. You can see that the lumbar spine controls the legs and the cauda equina. In my case my spondylolisthesis was at the L5/S1 which explains the leg and foot numbness and pain. I have also developed degenerative disc disease and arachnoiditis through the lumbar spine, which are probably the bigger factors in the constant pain and numbness I experience. If the scar tissue from the arachnoiditis continues to move through the spine it will then effect the areas that it grows. Since I also had epidurals at the C5/6 I am constantly watching for any changes that occur in the areas the are controlled by the cervical spine.

One thing I have experienced is shortness of breath that is not from my lungs. It is almost like if you were having an anxiety attack but I can feel the diaphragm kind of stutter and then kick in. I have not told the doctor about it but my wife thoughtI should mention it to them. My concern is that 1- it is nothing and 2- they are going to cram me in to the MRI again, and as I have said before that is not cool t all.

A few small changes

I made some color changes to the blog and I am working with a few people on coming up with a new skin as well. I think the templates at blogger were fine when I started but as this blog grows I think it really needs it's own identity. So far I just started with some simple color changes to make it a bit easier on the eyes. The old black background was starting to get to my eyes and I am sure some of yours as well. Hopefully I will have something new for the template in the next week or so.

CNN.com - Johnny Carson, late-night TV legend, dies at 79 - Jan 23, 2005

CNN.com - Johnny Carson, late-night TV legend, dies at 79 - Jan 23, 2005

Rest In Peace Mr. Carson.


It's always fun until someone gets hurt...

Ok, I confess she still says it from time to time. Even though my brother and I are in to our 30's when we are all together we tend to get the kids going (we both have a 2 year old) and it is funny to watch them rough house with each other. Nothing mean, just basic wrestling and horseplay.

This evening my oldest and I were screwing around a bit and out of the blue a HUGE flare up brought me to me knees. It started right in the small of my back and shot down my leg, which I have not experienced like that before. Imagine a charlie horse that covers half your body and you have some idea of what this feels like. The best you can do is relax and hope it goes away. If you have any muscle relaxers or something for the breakthrough pain and you are within the window of being able to take them, well then you do that and grab a cup of tea and hit the recliner.

I noticed the other day that I had pain in new places which might mean that the arachnoiditis is advancing but I have also been having more flares then I have had in the past. In fact before about 3-4 weeks ago it was maybe once every month or so that I had one and now it is about once a week it seems. They do not last as long as they used to but they still suck.

I will mention this to the doctor when I see him but as I already know there is not much we will be able to do that we are not already trying. The Kadian is not supposed to stop the flair ups and it does not work against the pain so upping the dose there is not going to work and I know my doc and I see eye to eye on adding something like hydrocodone as it has acetaminophen. Oxycodone is going to be to strong for this so hopefully he has something in his bag of tricks that I don't know about.

Insanity from Melinda's Scrambled Mind: Celebrity Bloopers

Insanity from Melinda's Scrambled Mind: Celebrity Bloopers

This is one of the funniest blog entries I have read in some time.

Curiosity killed the cat...

Or so they say. I am wondering though how many of my readers arrived here through a site like Blogexplosion or Blogclicker or any of the other myriad of traffic sites that are out there. How many of you belong to more then one or even two? When I review my server logs at the end of the day I see a lot of hits coming from other traffic sites but when I have gone to check them out they seem to be oriented more towards multi-level marketing schemes or they have no blogs and only crappy ads. I am sure they drive traffic to your sites but is it really traffic or are they automatic traffic sites? You know, the ones where you really did not get a hit you get a site that has an automatic generator that "hits" your site for an impression but no one actually sees your blog. Kind of cheesy if you ask me which is why I am starting to block traffic coming from those sites like fastfreeway, trafportal, trafficpod etc...

I just don't see what the point in joining some of those sites, unless you actually believe you can make $200K a month. It reminds me of some of the ebay! scams like
auctionroad that promised you would make big money on ebay! but in reality they sucked. Now, you could make some money but it was next to impossible to make the money they promised.

So anyone have some comments on blog traffic sites?

Yahoo! News - Device Shows Promise for Spinal Cord Injury

Yahoo! News - Device Shows Promise for Spinal Cord Injury

SATURDAY, Jan. 22 (HealthDayNews) -- A experimental device designed to regenerate nerve fibers in people with spinal cord injuries shows promise, says an Indiana University School of Medicine study in the January issue of the Journal of Neurosurgery.

The oscillating field stimulator (OFS) creates an electrical field in the area of damaged nerves. It was developed at Purdue University.

In this study, the cigarette lighter-sized device was implanted in 10 people with complete motor and sensory spinal cord injury. It was removed after 15 weeks, and the patients were tracked for the following year.

After six months, all 10 people showed some improvement in sensation. After a year, all nine people who remained in the study showed varying degrees of improvement.

Two people recovered some lower extremity function and one man had restored sexual function.

"This isn't a home run, but it warrants additional investigation. The big question was whether the procedure, which is very invasive and requires two surgeries, is efficacious -- and the initial results indicate that it is," study author Dr. Scott Shapiro, a professor of neurosurgery at Indiana University School of Medicine, said in a prepared statement.

A second clinical trial of the device involving 10 people with severe spinal cord injuries is scheduled to begin early this year.

This is excellent news for people with spinal cord injuries. Hopefully we will see something like this available to patients very soon.

Pain Causes...

Pain Causes:

"What is Chronic Pain? Acute pain occurs when the body is telling the brain there is something wrong, like when we have a decayed tooth. However, once the tooth is fixed, the pain stops. With chronic pain it doesn't stop and for many that pain is a daily occurrence. Any pain lasting longer than six months or that occurs beyond the usual course of a disease, or beyond reasonable time for an injury to heal is considered chronic.
Chronic pain can be caused by disease or conditions, as well as injury or surgery. One of the hardest parts of dealing with chronic pain is that since pain is a feeling generated within our own bodies and interpreted by our own brain, no one else can feel our pain or know exactly what we feel. So often even our own doctors don't understand and sometimes don't believe us.
Chronic pain negatively impacts all aspects of an individual's life, including emotional, vocational, financial and social elements. The entire family is dramatically affected by the chronic pain of any family member. Many who live in chronic pain feel isolated because they can no longer work or their friends and family are tired of hearing about the pain. Depression is often a side effect of chronic pain which can further increase a feeling of isolation. If you or someone you know have chronic pain, join us in our message board and chat rooms... you don't have to be alone with your pain. "

A great site for information on chronic pain as well as the definition of chronic pain. It is probably the simplest explanation that I have seen in my quest for information on pain and it's causes. I especially like that they explain that it difficult for people not suffering from chronic pain to understand what someone is going through.

One of the common things I hear from people is that it is "in my head" and I "should work through it." I wish it really was that simple. I would also happily change places with someone who believes that, even if just for a few hours. To tell the truth it is not the pain that gets me so much but the constant need for pain medications and that I have to have some one with me pretty much everywhere I go. This site really hits it home with the depression and isolation issue. It affected my family and I sank way down in depression, thankfully my doctor and family were all over it and I was quickly put on
Lexapro which was a huge help. I also use this blog to vent rather then my family and friends. It too has been a huge plus in forging ahead. My family has also been learning as we go along.

The meds are a give and take, for while they handle the pain and bring it to a level that is manageable but they all have side effects. Some leave you so tired that it is difficult to not sleep most of the day and others give you an upset stomach or dry skin. The constant use of the Kadian (and many other narcotics) causes constipation and hard stools, which literally are a pain in the arse. So, while you take one pill to manage pain you have to take another to counter it's side effects. Thankfully with the Kadian it is as simple as drinking some metamucil or making sure you are supplementing your fiber intake in some manner.

Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! Blogger is killing me!

Have I mentioned how much I really would love to use MT instead of blogger? Sadly my current host does not allow for MT to be installed so I am going to have to use blogger in the meantime. I am looking for a new host that will allow MT but so far none of them match the price vs. bandwidth that I currently get. I paid $60 for the year with 1GB space and 25GB bandwidth as well as the extras that come with the space like CGI, Perl etc... Since I have a page full of videos that I host for some of my buddies I need the space.

I had a post this morning that I did on the use of
Neurontin in the treatment of spinal cord injuries, but blogger ate it and I forgot to cut and paste it in to Word like I do on large posts. Anyway, for people like myself who suffer from constant numbness in our extremities or for those who have restless leg syndrome the doctors generally will prescribe an anti-seizure medication, provided it is approved for that use.

I was taking neurontin for some time but I found it made me rather irritable and I found myself scolding my son for things I normally would not. Then I found out that there is a
class action lawsuit based on Pfizers actions in regards to the way they marketed the drug. I did not join the suit though as the settlement is not worth the effort and you also sign away any right to file a suit later on should you discover that the medication did more damage then you realized. Hopefully I never have to worry about any of that both from the physical standpoint and the monetary. Every time suit like this goes down, the cost is passed along to you and me.

Of course if blogger keeps eating my freaking posts I will need the anti-seizure meds. Nothing is more frustrating then losing an entire post.

blogger and anti-seizure medications...

Have I mentioned how much I really would love to use MT instead of blogger? Sadly my current host does not allow for MT to be installed so I am going to have to use blogger in the meantime. I am looking for a new host that will allow MT but so far none of them match the price vs. bandwidth that I currently get. I paid $60 for the year with 1GB space and 25GB bandwidth as well as the extras that come with the space like CGI, Perl etc... Since I have a page full of videos that I host for some of my buddies I need the space.

I had a post this morning that I did on the use of
Neurontin in the treatment of spinal cord injuries, but blogger ate it and I forgot to cut and paste it in to Word like I do on large posts. Anyway, for people like myself who suffer from constant numbness in our extremities or for those who have restless leg syndrome the doctors generally will prescribe an anti-seizure medication, provided it is approved for that use.

I was taking neurontin for some time but I found it made me rather irritable and I found myself scolding my son for things I normally would not. Then I found out that there is a
class action lawsuit based on Pfizers actions in regards to the way they marketed the drug. I did not join the suit though as the settlement is not worth the effort and you also sign away any right to file a suit later on should you discover that the medication did more damage then you realized. Hopefully I never have to worry about any of that both from the physical standpoint and the monetary. Every time suit like this goes down, the cost is passed along to you and me.

Of course if blogger keeps eating my freaking posts I will need the anti-seizure meds. Nothing is more frustrating then losing an entire post.

Chilly Willy...

After a few really nice days, yesterday being 65F, we have hit a cold spell again. Today it is a whopping 8F and windchill is -10F. We were going to do some shopping this morning but I am not going out with it being this cold.

My entire left leg and foot are numb and throbbing today making it difficult to walk, especially up and down the stairs. Since I have trouble knowing when my foot is on/off the ground I end up putting more on the right side of my body and on occasion I end up on either my ass or my face, neither of which feels good IMHO.


Oh boy...

Well I had a nice long post going and right as I was getting to the end of it m 2 year old decided it would be fun to run headlong in to me while I was taking a sip of my tea. Since I had the laptop in my lap and I did not want to get any hot tea on either my son or the computer, I took the brunt of the steaming hot cup. The computer caught some as well but I was able to pull the plug and battery out quick enough that I do not think any damage was done.

My left leg is throbbing and my foot is burning like it was the other day and it is still feels different then it has in the past which makes me wonder if it is progressing. I made my appointment for the doctor at the beginning of next month to get my refills so I will bring it up then. Since there is not much he is going to be able to do if it is advancing I am in no hurry to tell him, after all that might lead him to order another MRI, and that is not something I look forward to. If you have ever been in an MRI machine you understand why. It is not claustrophobia, it is the freaking noise they make for the 45 minutes or so while you are in the machine.

The PDR is here...

I got my Physicians Desk Reference today. I ordered the pocket edition but I would like to see the pocket that this thing would fit in to.

It is a great tool to have around if you are someone or have someone in your house who is on any medication. It lists over the counter meds as well as prescriptions which is helpful for this time of the year. You would not think any OTC would be a problem but you would be surprised, I know I was.

This morning the pain is not bad but I was so tired that I fell asleep in the chair. The restless leg syndrome is back though and I would say that it is worse then the pain at times. Just when you are about to fall asleep your leg will spasm and "kick" out which wakes you up. When it is the right leg it is not so bad but when it is the left leg the pain shoots straight up the back, up to about a 6 or 7 and that will last for a good half hour until the meds control it again.

We need to take my son to "Dicks Sporting Goods" tonight to exchange his rollerblades and then my wife wants to use some of her gift certificates. I am not sure I am up to walking around that much but I don't feel like sitting around the house all night either.


The Best Of Will Farrell

TVShowsOnDVD.com - Saturday Night Live - Best Of Will Farrell - Volumes 1 & 2

If you are a fan of
Saturday Night Live then you shoudl really check out some of the players "Best Of" DVD's. We are watching Will Farrell right now and I have to say they have done a bang up job of producing this set.



If you have not hit this site then you are missing out. This is one of the funniest on the internet and while I am a Republican I really like that they are poking fun at everyone. They just released their latest one titled Second Term that is hilarious. They also keep a

Spinal Injury Foundation Patient Resources - Diagnosis - CT-Scan and Myelogram

Spinal Injury Foundation Patient Resources - Diagnosis - CT-Scan and Myelogram

Thanks to Genuine for the link to this site.

A CT-Scan can be used to look for pinched nerves if combined with with a myelogram. A myelogram is an injection of dye in and around the nerve roots followed by an x-ray.

Here's more on the myelogram portion...

What is it?
A myelogram is a specialized x-ray of the spine used to determine the cause of pain or numbness in the back, neck, arms, or legs. Using a radiopaque dye (one that shows up on x-rays), several segments of the spine can be studied.

How is it done?
The dye is injected into the spinal canal at one of two puncture (or "tap") sites. It flows within the cerebrospinal fluid inside the dura to outline the spinal cord and nerve roots in one or more of the spine's cervical (neck), thoracic (chest), and lumbar (lower back) regions. This outline will appear on an x-ray.

What does it show?
The normal myelogram shows a clear outline of the spinal cord and nerve roots. The absence of dye in a specific area, known as a filling defect, can indicate that the spinal cord or nerve root is being pinched, or compressed. Nerve root compression usually is caused by a herniated disc or a rough protrusion of bone, called a bone spur. Occasionally a filling defect may be caused by scar tissue, a tumor, or a cyst.

If a small piece of disc has broken off and presses on the nerve further away from its root between the vertebrae, it may not be detected on a myelogram. Another specialized x-ray, the CT scan, may then be necessary for proper diagnosis.

I had plenty of CT scans and a myleogram prior to surgery for the spondylolisthesis, while a spinal tap sounds painful it is actually not that bad. The sensation is more of a lot of pressure but not pain. The myleogram I would have to say was the coolest thing to have done as they did not sedate me and I was able to watch the procedure on the closed circuit xray machine.

While it was a cool thing to watch I did not know at that time that myleograms are a cause of arachnoiditis. I would have still had the procedure done as the chances of developing arachnoiditis are low and I thought the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks. Obviously I was mistaken...

Anatomy of Adhesive Arachnoiditis

Anatomy of Adjesive Arachnoiditis

This is a great page about how adhesive arachnoiditis advances as well it has some photos taken during operations showing what arachnoiditis looks like. There are not many sites that I have seen that have actual surgery pictures to give us a better idea of what this might look like and how it really affects us.


Email and headaches...

Well I had one of the famous headaches this afternoon. This time I was photo sensitive as well as noise. For awhile there I seriously thought this was going to be another emergency room visit but about a half hour after taking the Relpax it was much better and I the ER was a fleeting memory. Since I took the last one I will have to call the doctor for a refill. Hopefully he will write it for something as good but cheaper. Even with insurance this stuff is expensive, like $6 a pill and with the co-pay going up I can only guess how much it will be now.

Other then the headache today was a good day. Not much pain in the back or the legs and only one small muscle spasm to mention. I also decided that tomorrow I am going to switch taking the Kadian in the morning to the night. Hopefully it will make a difference in how tired I am by mid morning. Since switching to the Kadian I seem to be quite tired within a few hours of taking it and cannot make it to lunch without falling asleep.

I spent most of the day doing some work on the computer, that is until my email client decided it did not want to work anymore. Then I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out why. Looks like I will have to call my ISP and see what is going on as I tried 2 different computers with 2 different clients and got the same error message each time.


This is killing me....

Not the pain from the back but rather this horrible show called American Idol. I made my son a deal that he could watch this IF he did all his chores, homework etc... without the constant reminders. I figured I was good to hook, after all he is 11 and does not do much of anything without the constant reminders.

I'll be damned the kid was able to meet the standards and now I am stuck watching this HORRIBLE show. I am curious about who showed some of these people how to dress or who was it that encouraged them go on the show. I can see someone doing this as a dare, but all of them???

Anyway, I can torture them on Friday when the new season of the Apprentice starts. :rollseyes:

The Kadian made me very tired today and I fell asleep in the middle of a small project. I was working on the database doing some maintenance and the next thing I know it is 2 hours later. Ooops! Thankfully it did not require much interaction on my behalf.

My wife said she noticed that I have been dragging my butt around the house since I started the Kadian but I am not going to say that is what it is just yet as we upped the dosage of Elavil at the same time. I figure I will give it until the end of the month when I see the doctor again and bring it up then. Of course I can also change the time that I take both the meds and take them both before bed instead of one at bedtime and the other (Kadian) in the morning.

I did notice that my leg was hurting today and that my foot is numb again. This time the numbness though was more on the bottom of the foot then anywhere else. Based on what I have been reading this could mean that the arachnoiditis is advancing and as that happens I will experience numbness/burning/pain in new areas.

Since I was expecting this to happen I have been reading more on what to expect. What I learned is that for each person the rate of advance is totally different. While some people will advance slowly, others more rapidly and then there is the group that does not advance at all. I don't think I am in the last group and based on how quickly I seemed to develop after my myleogram I am guessing that I will probably advance a little faster then most. One thing is always for sure though and that is there is no going backwards.