

Ok, I found another draw back to meds like hydrocodone and that is their activation time. I was feeling pretty good this afternoon so I did not need to take anything for a few hours there. This evening however my leg went totally numb and my back felt like someone was roasting weenies on it, burning hot. I chased my son out of my recliner and sat down for a bit hoping lack of activity would help ease the pain as well I did not want to be loopy when Law & Order came on (Yes,my wife and I are L&O junkies). I ended up taking 2 7.5/500 lortabs (total 15/500) but they did not kick in for close to an hour. The whole time my back was steadily climbing from the 6 it was up to about a 9 and by the time the meds kicked in they were not enough to bring it down much.

I know that it does not make the pain go away and that they just mask the pain, had I taken them when I was at a 4 it would have been enough to at least let me get to sleep before the heavy pain kicked in. Now I am paying the price for being a total dumbass.

I also thought about getting with the doc about the migraines. I know that in the ER they gave me benadryl, compazine and toradol and that they are also available in prescriptions. Not sure how much they cost with the co-pay but it can't be any worse then the ER twice a month.

How come with 215+ stations on DirecTv there is never anything on??? Nothing like being wide awake at 12:15am and nothing is on. Guess it is time to pop in The Boondock Saints

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