
Damn I am tired...

Not sure why I am so tired today as I got a good nights sleep. I woke up tired and by 10:30 I could barely keep my eyes open. I took a nap because as even just trying to watch tv was a chore. I did get some work done though before the sleep monster got me and now that I am rested I will get back to it. The baby also took his nap early which means I should be able to get him down at a reasonable hour tonight. He has been fighting it the last week or so and not going to sleep until like 22:00.

My sons Christmas concert is today but since they do not have a crying room at the church for the baby just my wife is going. She did bring the video camera to tape it for the rest of us which I will burn to a CD later on and a DVD when I get my burner for Christmas.

Pain today is manageable. I would say a low 3 with some numbness in my left foot that is annoying. It almost seems the lower the pain the number it gets but I am sure it is one of those things where it is always that numb, I just notice it more when my pain levels are low. I see the doc on the 15th and will ask if they have something other then neurontin that since we now have the pain under control we could maybe get the numbness down a bit. I would even be willing to try the medrol dose pack again since it has been several months.

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