
Saw the doctor and the doctor said...

No more Monkey's jumping on the bed!

I saw the Doc this morning and she was pleased to here that the route we chose to go has so far been a good one. We talked about breakthrough and she said that I could take the darvocet when needed since I have it already. We also talked about the headaches that I was getting and how they seemed to have gone away. I thought it might be the NSAID I am taking in conjunction with everything else but she mentioned that Elavil, which I am on, is something they do use for migraines and her thoughts were that it is doing most of the work there. Which ever it is I do not care as long as it keeps doing it!!!

She did not approve the disabled placard yet. She said she had some reservations about it as I do not meet all the criteria but she does understand my concerns of the midwest winters. She is going to discuss it with the head doctor in the office and see what he thinks. While it would be a good thing for me to have in the winter I do not want them to do something that can cause them some trouble down the road.

Tonight we are having a Birthday dinner for my youngest son. He will be 2 on the 21st but everyone's schedules are pretty hectic that day so we are doing it tonight. My parents live fairly central to all of us so they let us do these things at their house. Nothing big, my brother and sister and their families then us. My brother and sister each have a 2 year old as well so I am really looking forward to the holidays this year.

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