
70+ Degrees?

I decided to make a normal dinner tonight since everyone is home for a change. I did some pork loin (chops)with roasted carrots and potatoes and some lemon/garlic seasoning. It came out excellent but I think next time I need a thinner cut for the chops as these were a good 2" thick. Since I did not grill them I did not butterfly them and instead went for the slow and low in the oven to prevent them from drying out (too much).

Tomorrow is my wife's and I 5th anniversary. It sure the heck does not feel like 5 years but when you think about all the things that have happened in that short time it all adds up. We bought our first house, we were pregnant (and lost the baby at 6 months in to it), we bought a bigger house, we had our youngest son, I broke my back and she spent the next 6 months helping me get back on my feet and on and on. We had some downs but certainly we have had the ups to more then balance it out. Even when things got really tough (my injuries meant she could not work as I needed someone to help me 24/7) and we were flat broke we still had a good time. Maybe it was finding the humor in everything and laughing our way through it that helped.

We don't have any plans since it is New Years eve, although we like to joke and say that everyone is throwing us a party. I will make dinner, most likely some Turkey mingons and my wild mushroom risotto with asiago. She likes both of them and has been dropping the not so subtle hints... Not sure what I will do for a veggie but I bought some really nice green broccoli today and will probably throw it in the steamer with some herbs. Desert will be either pumpkin pie or maybe an apple pie, either which I will have to make. I have some great recipes for both of them and they are low fat.

The pain today has just sucked. I woke up super late and had to wait for the pharmacy to fill my prescriptions. I called them in the day before but they were out of some of them until today which means I ran out of them and it screwed up the way I like to take them to get the best relief possible. I am sure it made me cranky enough but top that off with the very severe weather change we had today. One week ago we were below zero for a week, today it was 75F and windy. I don't mind the warm weather but the wild swing wreaks havoc on the joints which add to the pain. Of course tomorrow we drop down 30 degrees and then further during the week. I am guessing that Spring is going to SUCK!

1 comment:

Saija said...

wishing you a new year that holds some answers . . . you've done a great job with your research on different arachnoiditis issues ... a good research tool for sure ... thank you!

we have a storm happening here in middle canada, which means that leo is pretty sore - but he has some junior hockey to keep him busy and of course all the bowl games!

blessings and Happy Anniversary!!! Saija