
Got my Oxy!

I got a call this morning from my doctors office letting me know I would have to come in to pick up a prescription for Oxycontin because they cannot just call it in. I was laughing as the nurse was saying this and told her I found that out last night only after they had all gone home for the day. The good thing is since this was not a refill according to the insurance company (since there was a new prescription written) I was able to pick it up a day earlier then I would have run out so now I am ahead in the pill count as it were. That means for some reason should I not be able to get a new prescription filled on time or that the pharmacy is closed that day, I can make it one day without suffering the empty bottle syndrome. I know, it sounds funny but without the pain meds you end up spending most of your day doing nothing as it hurts to move and when the headaches come it hurts to think.

We also hit Home Depot and I bought another section of pine board about 6' (1.83m) and some brackets that I will stain and then hang. I need a place in the family room to store the games because the baby keep tearing them apart if we leave them in the table drawers. Nothing like walking down in to a mess of trivial pursuit cards everywhere. Then I have to figure out which cards go to which set (thank God for color coding) and get it all done while he is still trying to tear it apart. We also must have about 6 UNO decks combined in to one by now.

I spent some more time this morning reading google hacks and stumbled across a guy who has taken the google search engine and enhanced it. It allows you to look for specific files and/or a specific domain name. http://www.faganfinder.com/google.html Check it out if you have some serious searching to do.

The pain this afternoon is moderate but ok. I have a knot in the center of the small of my back that us more uncomfortable then painful. I took some more robaxin thinking this might be a muscular issue as it is not burning pain. While I still do not have anything for breakthrough I do have some Darvocet that they said I could take if needed. Hopefully the docs kids are better and she will be in tomorrow.

My wife mentioned something I either forgot or missed during the last visit and that was our doc just finished a seminar on chronic pain so we have someone who has just had hopefully some great info steering away from the old way methods of dealing with arachoiditis, which was to not treat it because it was all in your head. She should also have my paperwork on the disabled placard for the car completed.

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