
What the F#$@ is wrong with people?

My son spent Friday night at his friends house from school (they go to Catholic school). Since we live on the border of two states some of the kids live across the river in the other state like his friend does. Not a big deal but when I spoke with the boys mom to arrange this (they called and asked us about it) we agreed they would bring the boys to my house at about 15:00. That time got changes several times during the course of Saturday and when I finally called them at 21:00 and told them to bring them over now they still did not show up until about an hour later.

Now if this had been the plan from the start it would not have been a big deal. However, I cancelled my plans so I could be here when they were to come over at 15:00 and ended up spending the whole day wondering where the heck they were. When I called to tell them to hurry up I was so frustrated it was not even funny. Being that this is my sons friend I do not want to give the kids parents a reason to say they can no longer play together but I was ready to rip in to someone about this. I know the mom is ill but 1-so am I and 2-they initiated the weekend by asking if my son could stay. I guess I expected more from a family that would think enough of their child to send him to a private school. Looks like I was WAY WRONG!

They finally dropped the boys off and I got them set up with the air mattress and the small TV for them to play X-box on. I also went out earlier in the day and got them some snack food and rootbeer (real rootbeer is naturally caffeine free) and some baked Lays. I told them to play until they were tired but no later then midnight and took the baby and went to bed myself.

They played fine today and while my son did screw up a bit overall there were no problems. Mom said she was going to do some Christmas shopping today and she would be here about 15:00 to pick up her son. Any guess on how that went???

About 14:45 I got a call saying they were on their way home from the city and that they needed to stop off at home first and then would be over. It is about an hour home from the city to my house which is 15 minutes from theirs. I figured about 2 hours and they would be here. Well about 17:30 I had to start getting dinner for my sons and myself (the Mrs had to work today) but the friend is still here. I make breakfast for dinner and decide that I should feed everyone just in case. I get everybody feed and dinner all cleaned up when they finally showed up at about 18:15 or so to pick him up.

Now, I want my son to continue to play with the friend but these parents (maybe it is just mom???) are not making a great first impression. I know my wife is not happy about it at all and she was not even here for the whole thing, so she must be really pissed to have it affect her like that. I figure what I will have to do is either explain to them next time that when we agree on a time I mean that time, not hours later. The other option is I do all the driving (which is not happening). I am a stickler for schedules and do not like being yanked around. While they were out having a good time both days, I was stuck at home wondering WTF is going on. I could have gone out and finished the shopping that I wanted to do. Arrrrggh!

Maybe it is me an my anal retentive ways about schedules?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is me an my anal retentive ways about schedules? No, I am the same way Brew. This weekend the youngest boy was getting baptised. I told everyone who was going they need to be at my house no later than 10:40 if they need to follow me over since they have no idea where the church was. It hits 10:40 I load the family up and leave. No one calls to say they are going to be late.(Mom) She shows up at church and starts to read me the riot act.(She got directions from the neighbors) I look at her and said you got a cellphone? her: yes me: then use it next time. She apoligized later on