
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Over the last 6 months or so I have noticed what I can only define as spasms in my legs, especially while laying down. Out of the blue my legs will twitch and sometimes they will actually kick out as if someone was testing your reflexes. It is not very painful when it happens but it is followed by a burning sensation.

For some reason I never associated this with the spondylolisthesis or the rachnoiditis but it seems that it my be a direct result of what is going on with my back.

A number of patients are diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I. This is characterized by severe burning pain in a limb, occurring usually after trauma or surgery. There is often an element of allodynia and hyperpathia. Autonomic effects include sudomotor (sweating) and vasomotor (vascular) abnormalities. There are changes in limb temperature, discolouration and oedema. Later stages may involve joint stiffness, loss of mobility and osteopaenia or osteoporosis (loss of bone density), as well as skin texture and hair growth changes. The frequent occurrence of this condition in arachnoiditis suggests that the RSD type symptoms are in fact a part of the arachnoiditis syndrome, rather than a separate disease entity.

I found the above passage which was written by Dr. Sarah Smith at this site. She has put out some great information on arachnoiditis which has helped me in my discussions with my doc's.

Another symptom of the arachnoiditis called Paresthesia, is really manifesting lately and is a sensation of spiders/bugs crawling on your skin kind of like this and this. I know there is nothing there but it is annoying and can be uncomfortable and generally after this happens the burning and pins and needles returns to the limb. It looks like for know I will just deal with it as most of the reading I am finding has the patient on neurontin but if you read this post you will see why I am reluctant to do so.

Right now my wife is heading out for her appointment with the doctor (we have the same one). I found the information on the web pertaining to my states requirements for a temporary handicap placard as well as the form I need to have signed by the doctor. I filled in the section I needed to, printed it out and signed it. My wife will bring it to the doctor and mention my concern for the winter weather and hopefully the doc will sign it. If she does then I can run over to motor vehicle and get the placard today. The cost varies by county but I should say I do not expect it to cost more then my tags. I hope she agrees with my concern and signs it. I will let you all know what she says.

This is my wife's weekend and I am looking forward to getting some "me" time today. Not much, but an hour without having to chase the baby around the house will be nice. I feel bad sometimes though. My wife is the one with the job and she does work long hours so I do my best to make sure does get some time for herself. I feel bad after she has worked 50-60 hours and finally gets some time off only to have to chase the baby around the house.

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