
Why do they make these things so hard to fix?

Spent a quiet day at home trying to learn Flash MX Studio. I would like to start adding some flash content to the site but it is slow going as I learn the different aspects of the software. It is pretty cool stuff though!

A pretty wild day on the pain side. I spent the first part of the day trying to get an old computer working for my sons room but ran in to nothing but trouble. First the power was not working to the CD player and then the hard drive was not working for some reason. I got it all going somewhat but now I am getting some errors so tomorrow I will just format the drive and install the OS again. Meanwhile I had been sitting on the floor the whole time and paid for it dearly later on with a huge flair up. I popped the oxy and some muscle relaxers and plopped in to the chair to rest. While it is comfortable now the small of my back feels like it is in a giant knot. I will take some darvocet before bed and sleep with some pillows behind me to kind of prop myself up. I have found if I sleep like that I feel better then if I just slept on my side or back.

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