

Well Christmas has come and gone and I must say it was a good day. We spent it at my parents and were surprised when both my brother and sister showed up with their families as we were told they would both be out of town for the day.

It was cute watching 3 2 year olds running around and playing together. While they do see each other enough it is generally not with all 3 of them together. My parents also got them all some really neat presents. My niece got a wooden doll furniture set up that was good quality with dove tail joints rather then just nailed at the corners. My son and my nephew both received a really nice wooden artists easel that has a place to for a roll of butcher paper to be pulled down.

My wife and I both got gift certificates, mine to Home Depotand hers to Victorias Secret and I also got a Smith & Wesson flashlight with the carrier which is cool. They are bright little suckers and I needed one for the car since my mini-mag light went AWOL. I also got a 2lb bag of Pistachios (not the red ones) which is awesome because I love them. When we were kids my dad would buy a bag and he, my brother and I would sit on the couch and eat them while watching the Three Stooges.

Most of all it was a nice relaxing day. While the kids (and moms) took nap my son, brother, father and I went to the field behind the house and flew their model airplanes. It was funny watching them fly in such high winds but the cake topper was my father nailing the backstop of the baseball field while trying to pull up in time to avoid it. It was one of those times you wish you had a camera to record it all.

The only pain all day was when we were out flying the planes. It was close to when I should take my meds but I figured I would be back in time. Just standing to long and the cold wind really was a bit more then I expected. It brought the numbness in my leg back and by the time I got my meds the small of my back was burning. I ended up taking the pills and just sitting in the recliner for a bit. I did find out that my recliner is much more comfortable then the one my mom has. Makes me glad I did not buy the la-Z-boy I looked at.

We ended up getting home about 7:30 or so and I feel asleep in my recliner. I woke up and thought it must have been well after midnight only to find out that it was only 9:30. LOL, I went up stairs and played Ghost Recon II for awhile and then racked out. While we did not do much I was tired as I have been in some time.

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