
Rest In Peace

Well, it is that time of the year when many people forget about anything other then what is in that big box for them under the tree. They will reflect on how great the year has been to them, the amount of money they socked away in their 401K and then they will start to dread that looming day of April 15th.

What they won't do is remember that in some hell hole half a world a way there are people who would love to be home worrying about April 15th instead of mortar attacks, IED's and suicide bombers. The men and women that make up our military and those of the coalition troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It matters not what your thoughts on the war are, whether it is illegal or if it violates international laws. What does matter is that these men and women are sacrificing so much for people they have never even met, all so that those people might have a chance at a better life.

They will not think of all those men and women who will not be coming home for the holidays. They will instead sip their eggnog and tear in to the packages resting under the tree, they will go from house to house and collect this years take and they they will crawl in to bed around midnight thinking about the great day they had. Never across their mind will the soldiers, sailors, marines or airmen cross.

It does not take much to think of them and hold them in your heart and not knowing them is not a reason to forget them.

So for just a moment, it does not have to be Christmas or any particular day, but just for a moment remember them. You don't have to be religious to reflect for a moment and you don't have to say a prayer, just quiet reflection.

Coalition casualties in Iraq
Coalition casualties in Afghanistan.

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