

A decent nights sleep!!! I actually fell asleep in the recliner watching Law & Order and then moved up to bed about 22:30 where I promptly went right back to sleep. I did wake up about 03:00 because I bit my tongue and it woke me up. I used the bathroom and then went downstairs and took more meds since I had a headache. I ended up getting up about 07:50 and came downstairs to watch the news. I skipped my morning pot of coffee which I do need to start weaning myself off of anyway.

I actually feel like going out and doing something this morning, so we are going to head to the store and grab some stuff for Christmas for our oldest. He has started showing an interest in HTML so I thought I would go get him some books on HTML for kids. I also need to grab some new headphones as my youngest ripped the wire out of the only pair I have. Sucks too because they were a nice pair with great sound. I like to listen to music when I am online so I subscribe to Real Rhapsody.

I also need to run by the grocery store and grab some stuff to make lasagna tomorrow. My parents will be in town so they are going to stop by for lunch. If I make lasagna that means I will have some left over for the weekend and nothing is better then cold lasagna!!!

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