
Who's on first...

I am dog tired tonight. I did not get to sleep until almost 3am last night. Not sure why because I was tired but could not fall asleep. I ended up watching a really lame movie hoping that out of shear boredom I would drift off. I did get a little extra sleep though as my wife got up with the boys and took the oldest to school and let me sleep. I figured I would catch up when they baby took his nap but that fell through when not only did he not take a nap, he was still running around the house like the energizer bunny at 8pm. I finally got him down a little after 8 and then I almost fell asleep in the recliner with him on my chest.

Since he did not take his nap I took him to the store so my wife could get some sleep before work. Of course you take him to the store and the kid turns in to a ham and has to talk to everyone he sees. So a twenty minute trip for milk and juice turns in to an hour and change. Living in a small town is a blessing and a curse. Everyone knows who we are and they all want to talk every time they see you. I does not bother me as I can out talk most people. But when you are trying to get out of there because your kid is acting up or your back is screaming for a place to sit and there is not one. However since all these people know us, when the boys are a bit older it is like having eyes all over the place. Someone will see them and if they are acting up I will know about it by the next morning.

My doctors appointment for tomorrow was canceled because the docs kids are sick. They asked if I wanted to see someone else in the office I said no problem. The girl told me to come on during walk in tomorrow morning at 8am then as all the other doctors are booked all day. Ok, so my doc is out and all her appointments were cancelled for tomorrow then that means they gave the same speech to each patient they called. Now, there is only one doctor tomorrow and walk in is from 8-9 only. So if all the patients who has appointments with my doc show up at 8am and there is only one doc on duty...I figure there would be a few people who will be there anyway and then add to that, say 1/4 of the patients with cancelled appointments there is going to be about 20 people in that hour. Unless the doc on duty is Superman, there is no way he will see everyone. I asked her to reschedule me for the next appointment with my doc, which is now Wednesday providing her kids are better. I have no problem waiting as it was only a follow up on the meds and to adjust if needed. I told the girl I would run out of the oxy tomorrow though and if they could get me a refill I would be golden. She said the nurse would call it in to my pharmacy for me and to call them before going in to make sure it was ready.

So....about 6:30pm I call the pharmacy to see if the prescription was called in. After a few minutes of listening to the worst elevator music a girl answered the phone and I explained that my doctor had called in a refill. I gave her all the info so she could look it up and when she comes back on the phone she asked which prescription it was for (I have about 9 active) and I told her it was for the oxycontin. Before I finished speaking she said there were no refills on it to which I replied that "I knew that and that my doctors office was supposed to have called in the refill". Where the disconnect was I am not sure but she came back with "your doctor cannot call in refills." "I have been having them call in refills for years" I said. She quickly came back with, "but they are not allowed to." So I am thinking to myself, what the heck is wrong with this girl when she finally figures out what she is talking about and tells me that oxycontin is not a drug that an be called in, it must be written on a doctors prescription pad. Duh, why didn't she say that in the first place??? Of course it is now close to 7pm and I know for sure that no one is in the doctors office, so I will have to call them in the morning and get someone to write it for me and then take it over there. I will have to ask my friend who works there who the heck I spoke to. Poor girl must be new.

The pain today was a bit higher then the last few days and I am sure the cold has something to do with this. We hit a high of about 26 (-3C)today but we spent most the of the day before 2pm at about 15 (-9C)degrees. I know, I have read the studies that say the cold has nothing to do with the pain from osteoarthritis or any of the other afflictions that plague us but then I am willing to bet that the people who wrote those studies don't have a single thing wrong with them. I actually turned the heat up today to 72 (22C) just to fight off the cold. I generally keep the house at 68 (20C) in the winter and 74 (23C) in the summer. I figure in the winter, especially with the price of natural gas right now, it is easier to throw on a sweatshirt or a blanket and get warm. We did look at maybe getting one of those natural gas fireplaces that has the blower on it for the backroom, as that is where it gets coldest, however the cost is not justified. A few thousand dollars would take the better part of 15-20 years to recover if gas prices stay this high. Maybe in the spring we will look at a wood fireplace or a pot bellied stove back there.

One thing I did notice or should I say did not was my left foot. It was not painfully numb like it normally is. I have not done anything different or started new meds but it was nice to not have a foot like it was on pins and needles. It let me get on the front office computer for awhile rather then having to hog the laptop. I was able to do some more work on the website, which I hope to have done in January and then I will post the URL. For right now I do have to URL's that I bought which are pointing to this blog.
ihavearachnoiditis and ihavespondylolisthesis and when I am done I hope to have the sites developed into a compendium of the info that is out there on the subjects. There is a ton of great sites, but very few of them link to the others and none that I have found seem to have all the info. I am sure that they do not link because most of them are done by research hospitals and the others are done by private groups. Seems they would want to link to others and I am not sure whay they do not, but I have some ideas. While the sites were not expensive to buy and get going I am sure the traffic generated over time will eat more bandwidth then I can afford so I will have the ubiquitous googleads on them in hopes they will defray some of the costs.

Well, I have rambled on enough for now. It is time to put in a movie and relax for a bit, maybe I will grab the Three Stooges DVD I bought yesterday. Double DVD set with 8 episodes. I used to watch them with my dad when I was a kid, to bad they are not on T.V. anymore. Seems like some stations have steared away from shoes like the Stooges and Our Gang (Little Rascals) which is too bad.

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