
Laptops' heat could hurt men's fertility

Laptops' heat could hurt men's fertility

I guess I should stop sitting in the recliner with the laptop then...

While this may be true, I really expect someone to come out with a report disputing this and then agreeing with it. I am really tired of seeing these in the news all the time. While I am sure that some people do want to hear this, it just seems that every time something is "proven" or suspected to be the cause of cancer or some other disease, someone else come along with a study showing the opposite.

Kind of like the ground meat and e coli scare. Can you get e coli from ground meat? Sure you can. You can also get it from many other things, including yourself. While there are many strains of this deadly bacteria it seems like every time it gets mentioned it is like Henny Penny running around screaming "the sky is falling." It borders on idiotic most of the time.

I don't know how many times I have been told that eating a well done burger is bad for you due to the carcinogens in the burnt meat. Of course then you have to worry about the red meat itself, especially if you are male because we all know that it sits in your digestive track for 5 years before being completely digested, during which time it can cause cancer. Then we have to worry about the burger having e coli. While the temp should have killed any bacteria, as well as flavor, there is always the risk, after all the spatula you used to flip the burger touched it before it was well done so it might have the bacteria. It boggles the mind. No matter how you slice it, dice it or top it, the burger is going to kill you. Maybe this is the cows way of getting back at us for raising them for food???

Anyway, I guess it is a good thing my wife and I decided that we have the size family that we want. Of course this could also save men some money and pain. Instead of the vasectomy, spend more time online with the laptop.

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