
Drugs are bad for you...

For the first time in a few weeks I was dog tired but did not go to sleep. I was too busy working on the new domain and getting some more .info domains that I lost track of time. Before I realized it my wife was home from work and it was 2am.

I want to spend some more time today getting some things for the new site and organizing. When it is done I would like to have close to 75 pages on the site with each individual issue having its own space so it can be discussed more in depth and with links to external sites with more info. I am working on the organization chart this morning and trying to make sure that the site will flow smoothly. Nothing worse then hitting a site that is difficult to navigate because the layout is awkward or even non-existent.

My back is bothering me this morning and is about a 4 right now. I am sure this is a mix of yesterdays chasing the boys around, getting to bed super late and the fact it is freezing outside. It is supposed to warm up to about 30 today but that is also the high temp for the week according to the weatherman. Looks like it might be a good week to keep the heating pad out. My foot is slightly numb but not as bad as the other day but the beginning of a migraine is here so looks like a good day for Relpax.

I did an "experiment" over the last few days and avoided as much caffeine as possible. I did not have any coffee for 5 days and I do not drink soda with caffeine in it and during this time I did not have any headaches. Yesterday I decided to have a few cups of coffee to see what would happen and this morning like I said the headache is coming. I will have to do this again though to make sure it is not just a coincidence. I would sure hate to give up my coffee in the morning as well I just bought 10lbs of my favorite beans last month.

One thing I have had to deal with through my journey with arachnoiditis is my parents. They have always been there for me and have encouraged me to be myself and they are obviously concerned with my diagnoses of arachnoiditis & spondylolisthesis. I know that when I spent the week in the hospital my parents were there everyday at least twice a day. However when ever I am around them and it is time for the meds I watch as they cringe when I take them. It goes back to my grandfather (My paternal grandfather) who died due to his dependence on drugs. He had been in a car accident in the 60's and injured badly so they had him on narcotic pain killers, most likely morphine from what I gather, but he became addicted to them and long after his need for them he was still taking them. In the early 70's he had been admitted to the hospital for I believe a detox program and one day he slipped and when he fell his skull splintered and pierced his brain killing him. I have never had the whole story told to me in one sitting or from the same person but I do know from my mother that his death was blamed on his dependence for narcotics. What my parents have told me is that they have a concern over the meds I am on and I know it stems from their experience with my grandfather. The problem I have had is getting them to understand that his dependence and my need for the pain meds are 2 different things. He only needed them short term. My need for them outweighs addiction as well I am under the constant care of a doctor who monitors my meds with me. I know it is because they care but they are part of America that needs to learn and understand more about chronic pain and its management. Without these meds I would sit in a chair for most likely the rest of my life. That would lead to a lot of things, including reduced life expectancy due to the underlying medical conditions it would create such as depression and obesity.

Anyway, they are good intentioned and I think I am slowly making progress with them. Some people have said that I should just leave the room when I have to take my meds but I see that as denying what is going on in my life. It would also do no good because then it makes it appear that you have something to hide and are sneaking off for your "fix."

I feel like taking a nap but I need to get some things done and I have gone on longer then I expected.

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