
John Kerry excommunicated

Blogs For Bush:

"A consultant to the Vatican has said Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has incurred the penalty of excommunication from the Catholic Church.
The consultant made his statement in a highly unusual letter to Marc Balestrieri, a Los Angeles canon lawyer who formally sued John Kerry in ecclesiastical court for heresy.
Balestrieri, who launched his case earlier this year by filing a heresy complaint in Kerry's home archdiocese of Boston, told EWTN's 'World Over' program on Friday that he had received an unusual, indirect communication from the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding the pro-abortion stance.
That communication provides a basis, he said, to declare that any Catholic politician who says he is 'personally opposed to abortion, but supports a woman's right to choose,' incurs automatic excommunication."

I have heard about this but until the last few days I had not seen anything concrete. I am Catholic, born and raised, I was an Altar boy and my youth soccer league was through church. My wife is the past treasurer of our parish as well she has taught CCD and our son is in Catholic School. Obviously as practicing Catholics something like this is important to us. I do not intend to turn this in to a debate (though I do welcome comments) and am just expressing my views and feeling on this. It matters not that I did not vote for Kerry but if he is the Catholic he claims to be he is a poor example.

He divorced his first wife and had the marriage annulled, even though they were married in the church and had consummated the marriage (they have children). If what I have read is accurate he left her so that he could marry Theresa Heinz-Kerry. On top of all that he supports and has voted pro-choice.

If they have indeed excommunicated him then I say great!

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