
Until Then

This is a flash video that I have seen several times and will not grow tired of any time soon. It is not an easy one to watch because every time I do it makes me want to be with my brothers all that much more. I feel that I could do so much more then I have been able to do and if I could be with my brothers and sisters, I would be there in a heartbeat.

Whether or not you agree with the reasons we are in Iraq or Afghanistan we must always support our troops. They do not get to choose when and where they go, they only follow orders. Many of them will come home, some will not and many will be changed forever.

I am not the author of this and do not know who is but I have seen it all over the web. Please turn on your speakers and watch. Please pray for the men and women of the coalition serving in OIF/OEF.

Until Then

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